seeds-germination Seedling Heating Mat

How pathetic you two are!

Mine are where they belong, on the seed starting rack in one of the other bedrooms. The fact that I can see them from my bed is merely coincidence.
Pam said:
How pathetic you two are!

Mine are where they belong, on the seed starting rack in one of the other bedrooms. The fact that I can see them from my bed is merely coincidence.

You think that's pathetic, the hippy in me can't wait to wake up and go to sleep and have the first and last things I see to be a bunch of plants.
AlabamaJack said:

Sir, I am shocked at such..such vulgarity from a gentleman such as yourself.

*head toss*

I shall put it down to your unfortunate association with imaguitargod.
mrwicks said:
any ideas on a good place to get a heat pad....tried wallyworld but they have auto shutoff

If you don't want to get a seed starting mat, try some drug stores or places like Target. They usually carry different brands.
I used a heat pad with a thermostat for seeds this season. it has a pad on it which you need to keep moist for even heat distribution which also adds humidity as it evaporates if using covers over the pots/media. if you don't have covers use plastic food wrap. I left the heat pad on 24/7 and once the sprouts appeared they went under lights immediately without bottom heat. as your winters are most likely colder than mine you could use the bottom heat with the lights once germination occurs if you wanted to.