it also depends on how ripe the pods were when frozen; seeds from unripe peppers typically wont germinate, let alone after being frozen; i've also had a 50/50 success rate, heres how i did it:
remove frozen pods, let them thaw on the counter, take the pods apart being careful not to pierce the seeds (you may want to wear gloves). make a weak tea solution, allow it to cool to room temperature, lay the seeds out on a plate between to paper towels, pour tea solution over them, put seed plate on top of something warm (television, old refridgerator, or just in a warm place) once germination begins, move them to a warm pot of soil and keep it in a warm place
typically thats how i get my best luck with seeds that have had a rough life. you can ignore the solution, but make sure you let them come up to temperature slowly, and once up to temperature leave them in a warm place to germinate
hope that helps