wanted Seeds to Trade...Looking for Pretty Much Anything

UPDATE 10/22/08

I still have a few trades of Trinidad Perfume available....

Looking for Fresh Salsa Peppers like Biker Billy, Fresno, etc

Just let me know what you have to trade...
I have Bolivian Rainbow seeds, they are perfect if you are looking for multi colored peppers, the pods ripen from purple to orange to red. I also have other varieties you may like. PM me if you're interested.
I have twilights if they are any good to you....I wouldnt mind some purple Jalapenos off you.

Send me a pm
i would like some of all of the varieties you have
heres what I have:
habanero - orange or red, not sure which but it isnt red savina
argentina hot pepper
jalapeno - unknown variety
TheJollyRancher said:
Here is what I have to trade in order of most abundant...

Trinidad Perfume (lots of these)
Big Sun Scotch Bonnet
Purple Jalapeno

Looking for anything really...especially...
Manzano (Yellow pref.)
NuMex Twilight (or similar multi-colored container pepper)

Just let me know what you have to trade...

i have BHUTS and SAVINAS
for trade.. i could use 20 more fatali seeds.. let me know;)