
I was just wondering if someone could help a newb out. I was wanting to start some hot peppers from seed and would like some really hot varieties. I am willing to pay for them. Any help appreciated!

There are several recommended online vendors you might want to check out. Only one I have used thus far is Hippy Seed Company. I just ordered so I have not gotten my seeds yet but the transaction was very smooth and Hippy is very highly recommended.
I just got my order from him, took around 4 days to arrive (I was Stoked!) Would highly reccomend using Neil for seeds/sauces and the like. Hopefully I will have a few sprouting in the coming days....
cjbrewer5 ....... it's a little for starting super hots , as most are C. chinense species. These take along time to mature. When I was young I played in a C.W. Band and played Brownwood but I don't remember what your season might be like. If it's going to be real long you might have good luck starting from seed with super hots. If not ... you might not have great success . Jalapenos and other annuums should do fine from seeds.

You might check some nurseries near you and find some Habanero plants which might be a better way to go. There is also Cross Country Nurseries. They have almost everything .... are a great place and their plants are good. Bad thing is it can get a little pricey because you have meet the minimum order of 12 plants and pay shipping.

Peace and good luck ,
P. Dreadie
Welcome to THP!
I'm happy to send you some seeds for a SASE/SASBE.
Just PM(private mail) me and I'll give you my address.
Welcome to the heat!I can help out this fall.All my seeds are growing now/Good luck and enjoy the burn. Rich
Thank s guys, I really appreciate the help. I would like to try and grow some indoors under grow lights. Maybe even try to overwinter them and set them out next spring.
Hi Charles & Welcome.

Another source for seeds is Beth at Good selection and a great person, plus she's in Texas (Houston area as I recall).:)