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seeds Seeds

Good day all. Been a long time since I last posted, but everybody was very helpful last season when I had problems with blossom-drop on my Habs.
Unfortunately, I can't grow any peppers this year because I've been deployed to Afghanistan until the fall. As a result, I'll have no seeds for the following growing season (which starts for me in early Feb in Ontario, Canada). I was wondering if anybody had any 'spare' seeds at the end of this season that they wouldn't mind parting with. Namely, I'm looking for a small variety of Habs, 7-pot, Naga/Jolokia, and Trinidad Scorpions. Any assistance would be very much appreciated. Thanx all, and happy growing!
I am sure some of us could hook you up this fall after harvest...just let us know when you get home...

Thank you for serving...be safe...
Hey MM i`ll be glad to help you out.I`ll have All of those and anything I have you are welcome too.Stay safe on your deployment and kick some a**. 10 yrs in the marines here so I know how it is. Rich
you are welcome to any of my seeds you desire...i figure you have earned it. because of people like you, we get to have this great hobby.
Same here. Any seeds you need I'll be happy to send. Later this summer, if you want I'll send you some dried peppers. I'm growing all the ones on your list (plus a few others).

Stay safe!

MalevolentMonkey said:
Good day all. Been a long time since I last posted, but everybody was very helpful last season when I had problems with blossom-drop on my Habs.
Unfortunately, I can't grow any peppers this year because I've been deployed to Afghanistan until the fall. As a result, I'll have no seeds for the following growing season (which starts for me in early Feb in Ontario, Canada). I was wondering if anybody had any 'spare' seeds at the end of this season that they wouldn't mind parting with. Namely, I'm looking for a small variety of Habs, 7-pot, Naga/Jolokia, and Trinidad Scorpions. Any assistance would be very much appreciated. Thanx all, and happy growing!

I'm a vet as well. Different countries, but I respect any soldier.Thank you for serving! It's not an easy job, and it's more difficult than most people could even understand. I have those kinds of seeds, but not many. If you're good with the end of the season as in late summer, or early fall I have those kind of peppers. Just look me up on here. I'll give you plenty enough seeds to start back up. Free of any kind of charge. Someone on here helped me out with seeds and I'll return the favor to you.:cool: Be safe and feel free to send a PM.;) Also, there are alot of helpful people on this site. As you can tell I'm not the only one to offer help. Feel free to stick around when you are offered the opportunity. You're very welcome here.
I'm sure seeds will be available when you get back, God bless you and thank you for serving. I have aselection of habs when you're ready.

If all goes well i should have all of the varieties you listed and will be glad to send you some. Thank you for what you do and come home safe!
Wow! Thanks for all the support everybody. Haven't been able to log on recently due to the limited internet access overseas. You're support is very much appreciated. I will be back on good 'ol Canadian Terra Firma by end-August. At that time I'll post again and hopefully link up with a few of you in order to discuss some seed varieties and payment for shipping costs - I wouldn't expect anybody to have to cover the cost of shipping if they're kind enough to part with a few seeds. Thanks again all.
I will have plenty of seeds after harvest, too so in case you need more, PM me when you need them!

Please stay safe!
MalevolentMonkey said:
Good day all. Been a long time since I last posted, but everybody was very helpful last season when I had problems with blossom-drop on my Habs.
Unfortunately, I can't grow any peppers this year because I've been deployed to Afghanistan until the fall. As a result, I'll have no seeds for the following growing season (which starts for me in early Feb in Ontario, Canada). I was wondering if anybody had any 'spare' seeds at the end of this season that they wouldn't mind parting with. Namely, I'm looking for a small variety of Habs, 7-pot, Naga/Jolokia, and Trinidad Scorpions. Any assistance would be very much appreciated. Thanx all, and happy growing!

Hey M&M, where in Ontario are ya? Like many have said, later on in the season after the harvest you ge able to get a whole bunch from the good folks here...
Good luck on your mission MM. I should have plenty of seeds in the fall too, and some may have even become slightly acclimatized to our crazy Ontario climate.
add my name to the list any seed you need when you get back..please p.m me be glad to help..great forum isnt it ;)
Hey all. I'm finally back from the sandbox! Got sent home a little early due to a ruptured eardrum. Apparently it's hazardous to wander through a war zone and not be able to distinguish the difference between 'outgoing' and 'incoming' fire. Nonetheless, I was pleasantly surprised to see a garden full of Jalepenos my wife planted for me and a fresh bottle of Blair's Pure Death - who says wives can't be trained.

Thanks for all the responses with offers of seeds. Gonna need all the help I can get if I want to get the garden back into shape next year. Can't wait 'till fall now!