pruning-topping Selective pruning to increase crop experiment w/pics

Not much has changed in the last week, dealing with lots of wind and june gloom. Temps have yet to reach 70's in my area so it's still too cold for the plant to really produce as I probably can. It's still loaded with a ton of flowers and the ratio of fruit has increased quit a bit now that it's no longer raining. As you can see in the 2nd to last pic I have 10 pods growing in that little 3-4" section alone and the entire plant is just like that. I would say I have about 100 pods between to the 2 plants and a few hundred flowers. Hopefully it warms up enough next week to allow the pods to grow to maturity.
Well, I'm down to my last 3 flats of superhots and should finish planting today. My wife and I planted 20 flats yesterday of over 50 superhot species and not to mention the flats planted throughout the week. The weather patterns here has been all over the place…90°s one day and cold and rainy the next, just freaking unbelievable. I'll give them time to adjust to their new homes then start in with the Pro Gro ferts, it works like magic.

In a few weeks when the supers really start to grow our pruning season officially begins and I'll post pics of their progress. I had all my red/choc Bhuts in 5 – gal pots last season and the most difficult time keeping them upright. They were extremely top heavy with so many pods. I'll bet the yields were 100 pods per plant. I had one stubborn red Bhut that didn't want to go and my wife and I just keep pruning until she gave in. It turned out to be a good producer thereafter.

It would be nice to see more of us jump in and compare notes!!
The tourist would have to come from out of state because %99.99 of Vermonters hasn't a clue on what superhots really are!! They look at me like I'm from mars. They think the yellow habaneros are the hottest peppers in the world or can't understand why we like our food so hot. The "THP" is the only community I found thus far that understands!!

We do it HOT!!
Looking forward to additional feedback and test plants. My plants have started to really move into full gear, but for the last few days we have had more gloomy cold weather and even a couple of days of little rain so I don't think the pods on the plants now will get too large until the weather heats up a bit.
It's been a couple of weeks since the last update. I didn't bother last week due to the cold weather and on off rain. Plant is still anxiously waiting to go crazy as even in the gloomy overcast I've had last 2 weeks. It's still produces pods and flowers like crazy although I still have a small amount of flower drop. I picked about 6 more full sized ripe pods last week and there are about 6 more close to being ripe.

The small pods that clustered together are growing to full size and each group has 10-12 pods. I have about 5-6 of these pod groups in addition to just random pods growing everywhere. The last pic shows a pod that is growing directly off of one of the main branches on the bottom of the plant. It's pretty funny to see because it seems like the plant is running out of places to grow pods so it's improvising.

The forecast for the next week is mid 70's, but sunny so I'll brew up some fresh worm tea to give them a head start. Hopefully in the next 2 weeks those 50-60 pods will be ripe and ready to pick!





Actually they are med sized much larger than previously. It's hard to see if they will get bigger because as soon as they start showing potential the weather cools down and I get light rain. The ones in the pod group are actually around 2" each so they are no small, but not large either. Once they rippen I'll put the biggest one on a scale to see how big it is.

Even though only medium if they where all ripe today I would have over 100 pods to pick so i'm not complaining.
could you try to put a coin or ruler or something near the
chilis to help me get pepper envy

you are posting small, med, and 2".

it works better for me to "get it" if you had a known size comparator
of any type

maybe you could post a picture of a normal sized one with a coin or something
and then allow the subject ones are bigger than or smaller than?

you all know i ain't real good with sizes of stuff
The pods may be average sized but the sheer amount of them is impressive.

I have a fatalii that's just waiting for the right time to get a similar treatment you gave to this plant.
Lets see if I can get some results.

I congratulate you on the experience. To me it is a success.

This has been a great learning experience, thanks for doing it and keeping it updated LGHT. It does appear the pods are slightly smaller but the number of them certainly makes up for that. As long as they're hot and tasty I would call it a success. :)
It looks like you're swimming in scorps to me!

It's been cool and rainy up here as well with some of them turning yellow. We'll start spraying tomorrow and see if that brings them around. I'm seeing yellow even in the surrounding trees so I know it's not me. We removed a lot of the sucker leaves and now seeing lots of new growth. They would perform much better with more sun and warmer temps.

I'll be installing a drip tape irrigation system this coming week, taking a page from SS which seems to be working really good for him.

I'll keep checking in, good luck!!
could you try to put a coin or ruler or something near the
chilis to help me get pepper envy

you are posting small, med, and 2".

it works better for me to "get it" if you had a known size comparator
of any type

maybe you could post a picture of a normal sized one with a coin or something
and then allow the subject ones are bigger than or smaller than?

you all know i ain't real good with sizes of stuff

Not sure what you mean about size reference the plant is actually on a fence and then it's in an earth box so it's hard to put anything next to it. I would say the dwarfs that I had a few weeks ago where around 1/4 or smaller. Small ones would be 1/2 to 1" in and medium would be say 1"-2" in size. When I harvest I'll put the fruit next to a quarter so you can see the size of them.
The pods may be average sized but the sheer amount of them is impressive.

I have a fatalii that's just waiting for the right time to get a similar treatment you gave to this plant.
Lets see if I can get some results.


Good luck with the test. I'm curious to see if the results are consistent with other plants or not.

It does appear the pods are slightly smaller but the number of them certainly makes up for that. As long as they're hot and tasty I would call it a success. :)

I'm hoping that the small pod sizes are a result of the on off rain and cold weather. They have increased quit a bit in the last month so hopefully by this time next month they will be full size.
I picked another 20 or so peppers yesterday. A few where med the rest small. They started off great but last weeks weather slowed them down and as a result they didn't get to full size and started to rippen a bit early. On the flip side it's about the 50th pepper I've picked so far so the numbers are still good. Ohh nitwit I did bite into a small one and the heat was the same as the larger ones. Now to try and get the size of the peppers up a bit!!

26.2 grams from this weeks picking.

The largest pepper in the fruit is a little bigger than a quarter.

I'm hoping once we get into temps past 80 they will get a lot bigger. Unfortunately it's still around mid 70's at noon and even then they only get 8 hours of sun so I'm surprised they are doing as well as they are.