Selling peppers

I love your stories and sharing of your experiences, from the peppers, to your pooches, to the shrimp eating spoiled cat:) It sounds like a nice time setting up at the market, I wish I could go there:)
Pepp3rFreak said:
I love your stories and sharing of your experiences, from the peppers, to your pooches, to the shrimp eating spoiled cat:) It sounds like a nice time setting up at the market, I wish I could go there:)

Why thank you. I enjoy telling stories.
Pam said:
I dunno, I checked at BiLo last night and all the hot peppers were the same price, $2.69 a pound. On an entertaining note, they had the serranos labeled as habs, the habs labeled as jalapeños, and the jalapeños labeled as sweet cherry peppers.

hahah doesn't come as a surprise for me. almost every time i buy a variety of peppers, they always ask me the names of them..besides red and green bells. :lol:

i agree, sounds like a good time. wish there was something like that around here that i knew of. i'd love to get some nice fresh peppers. particularly would like to try that bhut jolokia.
xgrafcorex said:
i'd love to get some nice fresh peppers. particularly would like to try that bhut jolokia.

Well, if ya sweet talk me a little bit, I could be coaxed into sending you a care package. Geographically, you're just down the hill from me, so I think I can pop a package in regular mail and the peppers would get there fine.

*bats eyes coyly*
Hey Pam, your story reminds me of that song by Simon & Garfunkel
Are you going to Scarborough Fair?
Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme
Remember me to one who lives there
She once was a true love of mine

Pam your peppers are hot, but you are too sweet! Really, the story tells as much about you as the cat shrimp lady.

I have an idea, why don't you sell your pepper variety canned in mason jars... it would have great visual appeal, add some garlic, bayleaf and brine. You can sell those for a few bucks, make a more substantial profit.
LeatherMouth said:
Hey Pam, your story reminds me of that song by Simon & Garfunkel

Pam your peppers are hot, but you are too sweet! Really, the story tells as much about you as the cat shrimp lady.

No I'm not! And I'll thank you to stop besmirching my reputation!

I have an idea, why don't you sell your pepper variety canned in mason jars... it would have great visual appeal, add some garlic, bayleaf and brine. You can sell those for a few bucks, make a more substantial profit.

See now, you're getting back up there toward work. The song I should be reminding you of is Cyndi Lauper's "Girls just wanna have fun".
FYI, those habaneros at Sunfresh (at $9.99/lb) are still there but now they are all shriveled up and rotting, but at the same price. Jalapenos went down to 99 cents a pound.
Sunfresh sucks; they always run out of bananas.
Pam said:
Well, if ya sweet talk me a little bit, I could be coaxed into sending you a care package. Geographically, you're just down the hill from me, so I think I can pop a package in regular mail and the peppers would get there fine.

*bats eyes coyly*

really.... :lol: that would be really nice of you, i could even mail you something as a trade. perhaps a porter or a stout? not sure how the temps would be for that, but i did a beer trade with a canadian, and they made it to me fine, and we used ground shipping. anyway, you'd be one kick ass lady to sent me a couple. of course, if i ate one whole, i'd probably rethink the kick ass part. :hotsauce:

though, i'd say you are a pretty kick ass lady as it is. :shocked: can't say i know many women that are into hot food and good beer with intelligence and a sense of humor to boot!

xgrafcorex said:
hough, i'd say you are a pretty kick ass lady as it is. :P can't say i know many women that are into hot food and good beer with intelligence and a sense of humor to boot!


Oh, that's some sweet talking, alright!

I have 3 Bhut Jolokias that should be fully ripe by Monday or Tuesday, so pm me your address and I'll send them and fill the box with whatever else I have ripe. That will mostly be Limons and Lemon Drops, unless you want something milder?
Pam said:
No I'm not! And I'll thank you to stop besmirching my reputation!

See now, you're getting back up there toward work. The song I should be reminding you of is Cyndi Lauper's "Girls just wanna have fun".

Ok, let's settle the analogy on a Sriracha sauce then. It's bold and spicy but also sweet, which makes it a lot of fun! Too bad I'm nowhere near South Carolina, otherwise I swear I would show up at the market and start a conversation undercover. Then, when you least expect it, I'd say in a speakeasy fashion "TheHotPepper forums..." :D

By the way Pam, what kind of pepper are these ones below, the small red ones? Serranos?
LeatherMouth said:
Ok, let's settle the analogy on a Sriracha sauce then. It's bold and spicy but also sweet, which makes it a lot of fun! Too bad I'm nowhere near South Carolina, otherwise I swear I would show up at the market and start a conversation undercover. Then, when you least expect it, I'd say in a speakeasy fashion "TheHotPepper forums..." ;)

pffft! You'd have to pay Matilda's cute tax to even get close to the table. And then there's Abigail, and then you'd be begging for mercy...

By the way Pam, what kind of pepper are these ones below, the small red ones? Serranos?

I think those are Dedo De Mocha peppers. We had the Fish in a separate basket. Dedo De Mocha are baccatuum peppers, and a nice medium heat (or "unworthy" in bentalphanerd speak). They have that nice fruity baccatuum flavor, though, and I cook with them a lot.
Pam said:
No I'm not! And I'll thank you to stop besmirching my reputation!..

yes and stop ruining my picture of Pam... you're a bad, bad, girl, aren't you Pam!!?? and very, very naughty!!!

now, fetch me my paddle...
Pam said:
pffft! You'd have to pay Matilda's cute tax to even get close to the table. And then there's Abigail, and then you'd be begging for mercy...

I think those are Dedo De Mocha peppers. We had the Fish in a separate basket. Dedo De Mocha are baccatuum peppers, and a nice medium heat (or "unworthy" in bentalphanerd speak). They have that nice fruity baccatuum flavor, though, and I cook with them a lot.
So Pam, would you say you are a baccatum as far as heat level?