• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Ok. I'm in the ring. This is really my first year growing from seed and may as well be my first year ever. Last year we had a bag garden (which was pretty weak), and Justaguy contributed a couple of bucket plants later in the season (awesome).

So, just to get this out in the open early, I'm a little OCD. DANGER PLANTS! DANGER! FLEE FROM THE FURRY ONE! My natural tendency is to, well, let's just call it over-love my plants. "You like fertilizer? Well you'll love it straight from the bottle!"

One of my bigger hurdles is to just let the plants do their thing. I mean, I have grown up in a culture of drive-thru instant gratification, which doesn't exactly breed patience… But I'm working on it. Trying to tread gently through the grow instead of STOMP STOMP TEAR BREAK YELL. So far, so goodish?

Well I currently have 93 babies and about that many more in the germination station. Did I mention I like to go all out when starting a project? Does my car need a ejector seat and a rocket engine? Absolutely. Do I need cybernetic appendages and the ability to shoot lasers from my eyes? Most definitely.

Sooooooo. 93 plants. Alive and growing under lights. Here is my count as of this morning.

Scorpion (Moruga) (Justaguy)- 11
Scorpion (Butch T) (Alphaeon by way of Jstaguy)- 7
Brain Strain
(Justaguy) - 1
Yellow 7 pot/pod (Justaguy) - 3
Douglah (cmpman) - 8
Fatalii (Pepper Guru)- 8
Avery Island Tabasco - 4
Thai Fire
(Justaguy) - 13
Caribbean Red Habanero (Justaguy) - 26
Aji Yellow (Aji Joe) - 6
Naga x 7 pot/pod cross (Justaguy) - 1
Chinese Cabbage, Autumn Torch Hybrid - 3
Unknown pepper - 4

Here is a list of what's in the germination station right now.

Bhut Indian Carbon x Yellow 7 cross (Spicegeist by way of MJdiamond)
Criolla De Cocina (MJdiamond)
Biker Billy Jalapenos
Early Girl Tomatoes
Genovese Basil
Chinese Cabbage Autumn Torch Hybrid

Hot Cherry
Nu mex

My initial germination of the first round of seedlings was done in peat pellets. They came with the tray so I figured I'd use them. NEVER AGAIN. Those things were a real pain in the ass to keep properly moistened. As soon as I could, I removed my sprouts from them and transferred into seed starting mix. Lost a few on the way but nothing to worry about. It's pretty likely I will be sharing some of these plants with some friends the way it is.

I kept my light on 24/7 for the first 2 weeks and then switched to an 18/6 cycle. Right now I am top watering and misting as needed. I was told that top watering helps get rid of all the bad buildups in the soil. Don't know if that's true or not, but whatever. I am trying to base my watering on tray weight. For nutrients I am using Pro Bloom, Liquid Karma, and a weekly compost tea brewed for 24 hours with an air stone in a bucket. All of my water also sits out for at least 24 hours before use to eliminate any chlorine.

Now, I really want to switch soil at this point but I am going to resist. For one, it costs more than I can swing right now.

My setup has evolved from one 2 bulb light fixture to a modified in ceiling fluorescent donated and wired by Justaguy. I drilled some holes, added u-bolts, and used carabiners and chains to hang the fixture from the bar in the closet. This way I can adjust as needed for light height. I can raise one side higher as well if necessary, which is also nice. I have some reflective film on the back wall and closet door to help recapture and reflect some of that escaping light. That's it. My setup.

Here are some pics. I will update with a million questions, and progress as I am able. My next post will probably be showing my outside grow area once the damn rain stops and I can snap some pictures. Anyway, thanks for looking.

Initial setup:


Peppers 2/29/12 (just one tray but they are pretty similar):

Mulch! Best thing hands down. Nothing better. Hardwood is the best, followed by pine straw. If I ever get a dream garden year, I'd lay pine straw then hardwood over top of that!

Awesome. I'll pick up some mulch this weekend. Thanks Rich!

Where did you get the seeds for the avery island tabasco? The plant looks great!

The Avery Island Tabasco came from Masschilihead I believe. He gave some away late last year.

Plants are looking fantastic Seth! You are going to have pods coming out of your ears before you know it!!!

They are looking really healthy. I'll snap some more pics once I mulch up.
You're making me regret not doing more frutescens this year... I did Tabasco last year and it was a nice plant, didn't survive winter sadly. I'll need to look into the Avery Island strain.
Looks good, Seth! Did you get the 'curly locks' plant under control?
How did your fabric get ripped up? Squirrels usually do that here.

Good growin', buddy! Good luck getting everything mulched up.
I'd say he looks like more of an angel, than a demon!

Your plants are getting big, and looking healthy!

Hope the DE helps cut down your ant population. I've using it right now too, for ants, and for earwigs. it doesn't seem to eliminate them, but it does seem to knock the population down to a manageable level, with repeated applications. Every time the irrigation runs, I have to reapply.
Looks good, Seth! Did you get the 'curly locks' plant under control?
How did your fabric get ripped up? Squirrels usually do that here.

Good growin', buddy! Good luck getting everything mulched up.

It's still going on. I am picking up garden supplies this weekend (father's day!) including some Neem. That's when you know you are old, when you want to buy gardening stuff for every holiday.

The stuff just ripped any time I touched it, pulled weeds, or even looked at it sideways. It's really thin and pretty ineffective. This weekend is the pine straw/mulch apocalypse so that should help keep the pesky weeds in place. Now I just have to figure out this ant problem! They mistakingly think the mounds are for them and their aphid friends.

Someone suggested Equal (aspartame) as the fix for ants but the actual scientific studies I've read say that's not true. I'll figure something out...

I'd say he looks like more of an angel, than a demon!

Your plants are getting big, and looking healthy!

Hope the DE helps cut down your ant population. I've using it right now too, for ants, and for earwigs. it doesn't seem to eliminate them, but it does seem to knock the population down to a manageable level, with repeated applications. Every time the irrigation runs, I have to reapply.

Yeah, that's pretty much where I am at right now with the DE too. The thing is whole colonies were hiding under the fabric and escaping my applications. I am currently applying liberal amounts of DE after ripping up the fabric. I want to hear those ants and earwigs scream.

That look is the "I just killed your plants but aren't I cute" look. It's a survival mechanism. The cuteness. I am currently in trench warfare with a 3 year old. Terrible twos were way easier. He's like the tasmanian devil now. In almost every respect. I really don't know why shock collars are against all the parenting rules and stuff. He could benefit greatly. :rofl:

Handsome kid dude! Charley says Hi!

edit: garden looks sweet

Miles says "Hi" back. I'm working on him making a picture for her and sending it your way! Figure it would be good to have a penpal for him.
Seth, you are too funny, man! For an old guy! Once you get those ants under control,
the aphids will succumb to natural predators, I bet. Those dang ants
farm those suckers. Death to ants. whenever I find an anthill I soak it
with H2O - they don't like wet tunnels. then I put an aero bait out.
Works pretty well in this climate, but we don't have huge ant problems.
Mostly those little sugar ants, but they don't farm the aphids, so I let them
alone unless they come in our kitchen, which they do every Spring!
Oooooh, I remember that stage, Seth. My sincerest condolances. When my oldest hit that stage, I remember my spouse saying he was "weakened by his cuteness." My reply, " I'm immune to the cuteness." That's a Mom's survival mechanism.
Firstly, love the sculpture. Secondly, pet anteater? That would be awesome.
Garden is looking great! He does have that cute look down. Well done. For our oldest 3 was way harder than 2. He started asserting his own will. Not usually at opportune times. Don't worry, it'll pass... and change to something else... (*dramatic* bum bum bum....)
Your Bronson story reminds me of Sicman's story about Lady Sic and her "free kittens"...two days, an emergency room visit, and $700 later........

I'd say you got off light with a $70 vet bill, a dead groundhog, and a bit wiser and skilled pooch! Yeah Bronson!!!!!!! :clap:
Totally weed free? YOU ARE THE SUPREME RULER OF YOUR DOMAIN!Yes ,some of the fabrics are crap these days, I just cover it with hardwood mulch.
Plants are lookin great!Nice pooch and offspring as well.....;)
Lookin great Seth! I think I am gonna have to go out and get some mulch, the fabric works decently between the rows, but I pull it up each time I mow and mow under it. Right now I don't have any mulch and 3 of the 4 rows were manageable today when I weeded for the first time in 3 weeks. But there are also some bennies of using mulch besides weed control.

But, everything is looking great, it won't be long now for you!