• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Ok. I'm in the ring. This is really my first year growing from seed and may as well be my first year ever. Last year we had a bag garden (which was pretty weak), and Justaguy contributed a couple of bucket plants later in the season (awesome).

So, just to get this out in the open early, I'm a little OCD. DANGER PLANTS! DANGER! FLEE FROM THE FURRY ONE! My natural tendency is to, well, let's just call it over-love my plants. "You like fertilizer? Well you'll love it straight from the bottle!"

One of my bigger hurdles is to just let the plants do their thing. I mean, I have grown up in a culture of drive-thru instant gratification, which doesn't exactly breed patience… But I'm working on it. Trying to tread gently through the grow instead of STOMP STOMP TEAR BREAK YELL. So far, so goodish?

Well I currently have 93 babies and about that many more in the germination station. Did I mention I like to go all out when starting a project? Does my car need a ejector seat and a rocket engine? Absolutely. Do I need cybernetic appendages and the ability to shoot lasers from my eyes? Most definitely.

Sooooooo. 93 plants. Alive and growing under lights. Here is my count as of this morning.

Scorpion (Moruga) (Justaguy)- 11
Scorpion (Butch T) (Alphaeon by way of Jstaguy)- 7
Brain Strain
(Justaguy) - 1
Yellow 7 pot/pod (Justaguy) - 3
Douglah (cmpman) - 8
Fatalii (Pepper Guru)- 8
Avery Island Tabasco - 4
Thai Fire
(Justaguy) - 13
Caribbean Red Habanero (Justaguy) - 26
Aji Yellow (Aji Joe) - 6
Naga x 7 pot/pod cross (Justaguy) - 1
Chinese Cabbage, Autumn Torch Hybrid - 3
Unknown pepper - 4

Here is a list of what's in the germination station right now.

Bhut Indian Carbon x Yellow 7 cross (Spicegeist by way of MJdiamond)
Criolla De Cocina (MJdiamond)
Biker Billy Jalapenos
Early Girl Tomatoes
Genovese Basil
Chinese Cabbage Autumn Torch Hybrid

Hot Cherry
Nu mex

My initial germination of the first round of seedlings was done in peat pellets. They came with the tray so I figured I'd use them. NEVER AGAIN. Those things were a real pain in the ass to keep properly moistened. As soon as I could, I removed my sprouts from them and transferred into seed starting mix. Lost a few on the way but nothing to worry about. It's pretty likely I will be sharing some of these plants with some friends the way it is.

I kept my light on 24/7 for the first 2 weeks and then switched to an 18/6 cycle. Right now I am top watering and misting as needed. I was told that top watering helps get rid of all the bad buildups in the soil. Don't know if that's true or not, but whatever. I am trying to base my watering on tray weight. For nutrients I am using Pro Bloom, Liquid Karma, and a weekly compost tea brewed for 24 hours with an air stone in a bucket. All of my water also sits out for at least 24 hours before use to eliminate any chlorine.

Now, I really want to switch soil at this point but I am going to resist. For one, it costs more than I can swing right now.

My setup has evolved from one 2 bulb light fixture to a modified in ceiling fluorescent donated and wired by Justaguy. I drilled some holes, added u-bolts, and used carabiners and chains to hang the fixture from the bar in the closet. This way I can adjust as needed for light height. I can raise one side higher as well if necessary, which is also nice. I have some reflective film on the back wall and closet door to help recapture and reflect some of that escaping light. That's it. My setup.

Here are some pics. I will update with a million questions, and progress as I am able. My next post will probably be showing my outside grow area once the damn rain stops and I can snap some pictures. Anyway, thanks for looking.

Initial setup:


Peppers 2/29/12 (just one tray but they are pretty similar):

Mr. Squatch!......you dirty dog....your garden is looking marvelous. I have a lot of things to comment on. (if I remember all that I've read! hahahaha) First, that thripe/broad mite damage....I'm getting damage as well. Doesn't look like yours (well the broad mite damage doesnt) The guru told me that it was BM damage. I didn't see any either. Well I saw one out of 15 leaves off of different plants. I'm going to try something to fix the issue. First off is going and ripping off all of the leaves.....................lmao...sound familiar! Then IDK, so many different ideas on how to take care of them. Other plants have leaves that look like yours. I might have to take a look at them as well. The garden was getting slowly better and then this BM damage started showing up!! I'm thinking of getting some lady bugs and finding some type of pest spray that doesn't kill the world (well much anyway...lol) I'm going to start with pulling first though.

Your powder containers look awesome! I am so jealous.

The garden is really looking like it is doing great. As for cilantro. If you keep cutting it back (the shooting tips) it will keep growing for you. or if you want, you just keep starting new plants every week or two. That way you always have fresh young cuttings.

I've grown broccoli too this year and I started it way too late. It should go in the ground while it is still frosting out. I think that is the problem with getting poor size. I planted them from starts in May, they grew about 2in clusters and then it got hot and they started running. I cut the tops and they grow little clusters on the side but nothing worth a damn. I'm thinking if we all started them early like we are supposed to, then we might get some monster heads. Plus broccoli isn't supposed to be good to grow with Peppers. Attracts slugs and what not.

I can't remember if there's anything else, so I will just check back in later. Great Glog Seth, I'm lovin' it!

hahahaha, I remembered! I wanted to tell you that my Brains haven't set any pods on them either. They are being really picky. I have 7 of them planted and they have flowered but non set. Although the flowering really started right before this major heat wave we have been having. I think that has to do with it. I've been feeding them some Bloom nutes. Once this heat wave passes by (which it looks like today was the last scorcher. Nothing above 90 for a while ahead) I think they will start podding up. I will let ya know. Keep us updated broski!
Great looking pods brother! Wonder what color the ICxY7 is gonna turn out. Looks like its got quite a bit of variation in the pods on there! You Y7 and Fatalii are pretty mean looking!
Great looking pods brother! Wonder what color the ICxY7 is gonna turn out. Looks like its got quite a bit of variation in the pods on there! You Y7 and Fatalii are pretty mean looking!

Thanks Shane! BTW, I GOT YOUR PACKAGE! :dance:

Thanks for the extra smokey manzano powder my friend! The seeds look amazing too! I have never seen a seed from that variety before, very different! If there is anything you like in the garden, I will be happy to send you seeds/pods, whatever you fancy! At the very least you are on my powder/shake/hobby sauce gift list! So I should be sending you something at the end of the season that will have good flavor and heat! Oh, and a cool design! :party:

I have lots of friends here that have helped me out this season and all of them will be getting a little something special to show my appreciation! I love giving stuff just as much, if not more, than getting stuff! :P

The fatalii is from GURU seed so I am excited to see how they turn out! I have a ton of Fatalli seed if you want any.
Your plants are moving along nicely................... :cool:

Thanks Pic 1! GLAD YOU STOPPED IN MAN! I have been super inspired by your Glogs! Not to mention your bad ass kitchen skills! Everything seems to be moving along and there is still a 3 month timeframe before any danger of frost. First season is a real learning curve!

That Fatalli looks meannnn!!!

That is a GURU fatalii! It was open pollinated and not meant for seed but I couldn't help myself. He sent a couple bags of them to Justaguy and myself last year. They were delicious and honestly hotter than any fatalli I have ever had. They could be a cross I guess but only time will tell! They have some really mean looking bumps which are unlike the fataliis I have had in the past...

Are your Tabascos podding up yet?!?!?! Have the others caught up to the Avery????

Glad you asked! Yes. I finally have some pods that came in. I isolated one on the Avery strain to save for seed. Everyone of them is catching up big-time. I didn't really snap any pics yet because they are a very common pepper and have just started podding. My Biker Billys are also growing like crazy.

Mr. Squatch!......you dirty dog....your garden is looking marvelous. I have a lot of things to comment on. (if I remember all that I've read! hahahaha) First, that thripe/broad mite damage....I'm getting damage as well. Doesn't look like yours (well the broad mite damage doesnt) The guru told me that it was BM damage. I didn't see any either. Well I saw one out of 15 leaves off of different plants. I'm going to try something to fix the issue. First off is going and ripping off all of the leaves.....................lmao...sound familiar! Then IDK, so many different ideas on how to take care of them. Other plants have leaves that look like yours. I might have to take a look at them as well. The garden was getting slowly better and then this BM damage started showing up!! I'm thinking of getting some lady bugs and finding some type of pest spray that doesn't kill the world (well much anyway...lol) I'm going to start with pulling first though.

Your powder containers look awesome! I am so jealous.

The garden is really looking like it is doing great. As for cilantro. If you keep cutting it back (the shooting tips) it will keep growing for you. or if you want, you just keep starting new plants every week or two. That way you always have fresh young cuttings.

I've grown broccoli too this year and I started it way too late. It should go in the ground while it is still frosting out. I think that is the problem with getting poor size. I planted them from starts in May, they grew about 2in clusters and then it got hot and they started running. I cut the tops and they grow little clusters on the side but nothing worth a damn. I'm thinking if we all started them early like we are supposed to, then we might get some monster heads. Plus broccoli isn't supposed to be good to grow with Peppers. Attracts slugs and what not.

I can't remember if there's anything else, so I will just check back in later. Great Glog Seth, I'm lovin' it!

hahahaha, I remembered! I wanted to tell you that my Brains haven't set any pods on them either. They are being really picky. I have 7 of them planted and they have flowered but non set. Although the flowering really started right before this major heat wave we have been having. I think that has to do with it. I've been feeding them some Bloom nutes. Once this heat wave passes by (which it looks like today was the last scorcher. Nothing above 90 for a while ahead) I think they will start podding up. I will let ya know. Keep us updated broski!

Thanks for the read King! You are one of the few GLOGS I keep up on! I am really trying to keep up with all my first year homies! School of 2012 :onfire:

I have no idea on the broccoli and really just don't care to spend the time getting head... I started mine in April and still didn't have any luck. I have flowers on my brain too. Nothing on the moruga or butch t yet though. :tear:

I have a feeling you are right. When this heat stroke weather passes, we should see some great pod set! We have one more day here to get through. Over 100 degrees. Ugh.

:think: I thought I gave you Yellow Scorpion seed.

Maybe. I thought I got yellow 7 because I wanted to try the flavor... But yellow scorpion is fine by me. I'll have to take a look back at my records and make sure I haven't gone full rahtard.

Not good to have a yeti suit when it is 99°. One good thing is probably keeps all the rabbits and groundhogs away from your plot. We should start marketing a "Yard Yeti" for people to put near their gardens. They have those damn gnomes and flamingos. I think that would be infinitely more creative. Let me know,you are the designer dude. Hahaha

I am so in on that! Yard yeti! Protector of the "super" natural garden!
DAMN! Your plants are looking awesome dude! Enjoy that fatalii! Its no cross my friend. Just a culmination of good pod selection for a few years and then keeping the mother. The younger pods will get that warty look, but they will smooth out as they mature :) Get ready for the FIRE in those Fatalii dude...have something to eat with it...don't try and eat it by itself!
I'd like to put in an official order for a "Yard Yeti" when they become available! :lol:

I assume they repel deer as well?! hahahaha
Oh, I'd also be willing to pop a chilled, sliced, baby 7-pot in, once in awhile - just to keep it spicé! ;)
And soothing coconut ice chips....and...

....don't forget about the hops&lavender pillows you'd all be kicked back on!

All that for one teeny tiny Yard Yeti!.....just sayin'!!!!!! :D

(whispering at the back of your brain...."retirement Dude, retirement"!!!!!!!!) ;)
I was at the hydro store yesterday and Mark, the owner, said he would gladly take a yard yeti and put it out front of the store. It's funny when little tangents can lead to actual projects. Hell, Bucky Fuller came up with the geodesic dome thing while taking a bubble bath...

We had some friends over last night. Made some wings and enjoyed ourselves. The light outside was very "eerie before the storm" looking so I took a couple photos. The tabasco photo is for you Juju! The yard is a mess. Couple of three year olds out playing and a very hyper digging dog... and a mildly inebriated me.




Ohmygosh! What an adorable little tabasco!!!!! Thanks for the pic Squatch!!!!

Those pics of your garden & yard in that light look really cool!!!!! For some reason, it reminds me of what Indonesia might look like! :)

Those wings.....can't speak.... :drooling:
Man, those wings have "dat glaze" that jumps right at ya................nice looking and probably delicious...

Those outdoor twi-light shots really brings the depth out in the photos.........look at those lush plant!

Way to grow Seth!
Man, those wings have "dat glaze" that jumps right at ya................nice looking and probably delicious...

Those outdoor twi-light shots really brings the depth out in the photos.........look at those lush plant!

Way to grow Seth!

Hey Pic! You want the recipe for those wings, it's on the I (heart symbol) wings thread. The honey makes them glisten.

Man, I am LOVING this grow. I don't mind the issues with pests, mites, nutrients or any of that. To me it's all part of the passion. I've got some more photos from today but I have been busy trying to organize the tool room and prep garage sale stuff. I'll hopefully get them up tonight. I really appreciate you stopping by and checking it out. You are just growing some amazing plants in Illinois!

:think: I thought I gave you Yellow Scorpion seed.

Brian, went out there and examined the Yellow 7 plants again. I actually have some little pods coming in that match the phenotype pretty perfectly and look just like the ones you planted. It is definitely a yellow 7!
That's just great, I already had the munchies but after seeing those wings now I'm just hungry :D Plants look great Seth, really have a nice dark green color on the leaves. Great job!