K...you gotta remember, I am an old shade tree mechanic....
This is the 50% cloth area I grow tomatos, scotch bonnets, and white onions in...when the tomatos and onions are done, I pull them and plant pepper plants ...
this is the north end of the bed...I made a frame of 2" PVC to close the bed in...I did this because the birds were eating my tomato's before I could pick them....the shade cloth is attached to the PVC with zip ties
it is against a west fence...fence runs ~N-S...attached to the fence with hooks...
this is the "outside" of the shaded raised bed area....
that whole area is 50% shade cloth...
this is where I attached the 30% shade cloth to the PVC structure...
this is where it is attached to my storage shed (north attachment)...
and this is running down the west side of the house....
that's a pretty good area of the 30% shade cloth and it kinda sagged in the middle more than I wanted so....I fixed that....ran a 1/4 inch or maybe a 5/32" piece of poly coated galvanized wire...
and these are to keep it tight..this is the south attachment