shade Shade House Construction


I don't know whether this is the right forum or had to do with growing peppers...

I need more shade in my yard...the only shade I get is from the fences, house, and out building....

The area on my "cement farm" side of the house is about 40 feet long 10 feet wide on one end and 30 feet wide on the other. I want to construct a shade area.

I will build a 2 X 4 frame that will extend from the roof of my house (8 feet) to the will have very little pitch to it...maybe 9 feet in the center...I have to go figure materials but I should be able to finish this by tomorrow if I hurry....

Here is the area I am going to cover..

View from North looking South


View from South Looking North...


Any recommendations are welcome...especially on the shade cloth I am going to need...
Ever considered taking a day off, AJ? :)

Great idea btw, make sure, it's storm proof or it may do more harm than good, but I am sure like each of your previous efforts, it'll turn out great.

Keep us posted! Well, you will do so anyway... :)
All the plants in the full sun or those that are not doing well will be moved under this shade carribean reds, red savinas, caribbean habs and chocolate habs are doing very poorly in the full sun and I don't even have partial shade to put them I can use this structure as a hardening off area...this will be a pretty sheltered area from the wind too...

I would have thought chilies that are native to Cuba or the Caribbean would love the full sun. That's why I was curious about shading them.

A few of my Habs on the window sill last year didn't seem to be really happy in full sun but they're are in their second year now and seem to be able to take the heat in the greenhouse. The Cayennes didn't like a lot of sun though. Maybe it's just a case of them needing to be hardened off more.
She's a Shade----house
Mighty mighty, just lettin' it all hang out
She's a Shade----house
The lady's stacked and that's a fact,
ain't holding nothing back.
I think I've got myself oriented corrently. That looks like a good area for the awning.
I'm not sure what materials to use though. I know here, any structure with a "permanent" roof needs a permit.

You might have the right angles there to get away with one of those tent-type or carport type or house-attached awnings. Of course, that depends too on how much wind you get.
wordwiz said:

I would have thought chilies that are native to Cuba or the Caribbean would love the full sun. That's why I was curious about shading them.

I didn't harden off my plants good enough Mike and that is why they are suffering...this area will be ideal for hardening off and then I can move them back around the yard...I know one thing...Red Savinas do NOT like full sun...they wilt...I read it was because they transpire more water than they take up and the stomato close down to prevent water loss is why they do that...

rainbowberry said:
A few of my Habs on the window sill last year didn't seem to be really happy in full sun but they're are in their second year now and seem to be able to take the heat in the greenhouse. The Cayennes didn't like a lot of sun though. Maybe it's just a case of them needing to be hardened off more.

Bingo RBB...not hardened off good enough

JJBagoose said:
She's a Shade----house
Mighty mighty, just lettin' it all hang out
She's a Shade----house
The lady's stacked and that's a fact,
ain't holding nothing back.

I like you JJ....its been a long time since I saw the Commodores at Tuskeegee University do that song...

Poisonette said:
I think I've got myself oriented corrently. That looks like a good area for the awning.
I'm not sure what materials to use though. I know here, any structure with a "permanent" roof needs a permit.

You might have the right angles there to get away with one of those tent-type or carport type or house-attached awnings. Of course, that depends too on how much wind you get.

Gonna just put a studded structure up and cover it with shade cloth "permanent roof...I will stay within the bounds of the city code.....

I have decided to wait and plan a little better before just going and throwing something up...I want something that will last...
You might try getting shade cloth from a green house dealer. I'm trying to remember a catalog I got a while back. From farm tek or grow tek, something like that. I don't know if they have website.
What about a rolling type cover that you can pull out during the heat and then place back when nice out? I don't know just a sugestion of an idea. I think I jump out to soon with mine also
Sounds like a great plan. Make sure you are not violating any building codes. I cannot even imagine to do anything like that, my HOA sucks.
I got a ticket from my HOA, claiming that I have tall weeds in the backyard. Of course they were tomato and pepper plants...go figure.

Sanj said:
Sounds like a great plan. Make sure you are not violating any building codes. I cannot even imagine to do anything like that, my HOA sucks.
I got a ticket from my HOA, claiming that I have tall weeds in the backyard. Of course they were tomato and pepper plants...go figure.

HOA = homeowners' association?? :?::oops:
Sanj said:
Sounds like a great plan. Make sure you are not violating any building codes. I cannot even imagine to do anything like that, my HOA sucks.
I got a ticket from my HOA, claiming that I have tall weeds in the backyard. Of course they were tomato and pepper plants...go figure.


I so would not live anywhere some HOA was telling me what I could or could not grow in my yard...grrr!!! Things like that really make my blood boil, if they are paying the payments and the taxes then maybe they have some rights. Guess that's why I'm still in small town Minnesota. Jackie
Sorry that last post sounded pompous, didn't mean it that way but things like HOA's gripe me with their rules and trying to make everyone fit in the box, all in a row. I'm too independent for that probably would not be a good candidate to live in a place like that. Jackie
So what does HOA mean??? Let me know if my guess was right, might be hard to follow the storyline without knowing the main characters.... :)
:rolleyes: LOL, I think you were right the first time Chiliac, homeowners association.

*I was laughing at the last part of your sentence BTW, not that you weren't sure if you'd guessed HOA right.
I assure you I didn't know, it was just a guess, but it sounded as if it had sth to do with the proprietors, so my first idea was that HO stands for House(!)owners, Association comes up by itself after guessing that and then I remembered that home is used more frequently than house in this context and taadaaaa! :)

But if you had a good time reading my posts it's also fine! Thanks for letting me know what it means. Next time I won't make a guess! :)
I just put HOA into the search engine and that's what it came up with. I don't know if it's the same as our Housing Association over here, sounds like it might be.
I could've thought of that myself, but I had a hard time finding abbreviations by googling them a few years back, so I have quit trying it! :)

Yeah, there's sth like that here, too. Probably everywhere, just under a different name I guess.