• If you have a question about commercial production or the hot sauce business, please post in Sauce Biz.

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Heres my latest batches:


The one on the right is great.
I think this one is actually an all round sauce Grimus. It would be perfect for pasta and I think it would go pretty well with red meat. I'll be using it on my sandwiches for lunch :)

I'm happy for you to be the sole reviewer for this sauce paulky :) but you have to do a spoon full infront of a cam and post it here :onfire: If your keen pm me. By the time you'd get it the sauce would be nice and tasty.

Had a bit this morning and its really nice. Once the flavours have toned down a bit the sauce should be a great one for taste. When I got home last night and opened up the front door I knew it was a good sauce lol All I could smell was the sauce.
Timmmy newbie said:
I'm happy for you to be the sole reviewer for this sauce paulky :) but you have to do a spoon full infront of a cam and post it here :onfire: If your keen pm me. By the time you'd get it the sauce would be nice and tasty.

Huh?!? You's looking for samplers???

ME!ME!ME!ME! Paulky can't have ALL the fun~~~~

And I love it when you open the door and still smell the sauce from the day before.

edit to catch up on spicy pasta sauce-
Take any good red sauce or marinara and just add some dried peppers to it.....MMmmmmm. We often splash some hot sauce right onto the 'sgetti.
Well if paulky doesn't reply then its all yours salsalady or maybe I might be able to send two bottles and you could send one on to paulky. (I'd just have to check if theres any dif in cost between myself shipping 1 or 2 bottles )

Had some of the new sauce on the lunch today and its not bad. I'm thinking its a bit too hot. The taste got overpowered rather quickly with a strong burn.
Timmmy, I'm sure paulky will get back to you pronto. I didn't pay attention the Aussie thing ....my bad!

The sauce looks great, and that's a great start for any sauce. Smelling good in the house the next day is 2 points!!!

Well done!
Okay :)


So I have lots of pods and some time to make up some more sauce over the weekend

BUT I also have a bottle of bundy oak (Smooth Rum with unique taste)

A question I have is does alcohol have any effect in regards to preserving a sauce? Or is it just going to act as another ingredient.

So I'm think of making a BBQ rib sauce for a mate. Will use Red 7's and maybe some choc bhuts as I have a good two dozen ripe pods.
Most awesome Lemon Drop Buffalo Wing Sauce

1 Stick Butter
60-70 Lemon Drop Peppers
1 Whole Garlic Bulb
1 bottle Rice Vinegar
2 TBS Sea Salt

Even had a few hot n spicy haters loving this stuff!
7's BBQ Rum sauce

Starting off by cooking down the onion, garlic, mustard seeds and Red 7's


After a while into the blender and then back into the pot with some Malt vinegar added


And after a lot of lovin

Okay so the new sauce isn't bad at all :)

It has a really deep smell to it, I can just tell theres cumin seeds in it but nothing seems to be over powering it.

Having a taste and it seems to be a real winner :) It has a strong onion taste straight up but then the cumin, 7's, sesame paste, mustard, hoisin and molasses catches up real fast You do get a hint of the rum after everything else has died down a bit but if theres a next time I will be doubling the amount used.

Heat wise its fairly tame, the sauce is for a mate who grew the Red 7's and he's not a big chili head so I think this will be just on par with his tolerance level.
Yummm Making up a new sauce :)

I think I'm off to a good start, its still in the pot but I've already spooned some out onto my lunch hehehe

Now go easy lol heres the ingredients so far:

We will see how this goes lol

Update on the newest BBQ sauce, wowza :woohoo: best ever bbq sauce but still should have had more rum