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Should I be trimming??

Hi everyone.
This is my first year growing chillies and I'm noticing that a lot of the plants that get posted in here are all really well trimmed and don't have much foliage lower down on the plants.
Should I be trimming the plant in any way to encourage growth or better fruit?

Hello from across the tasman!!

In the past my dogs have trimmed my chilies for me, at the stump! They seem to grow back fine (not that i am recommending this)

As to the ideal amount of pruning... i'm not sure
I use pyrethrum spray. Its reasonably priced, all natural, harmless to everything but bugs. keep a bit handy, not worth spraying unless you get bugs problems.
What should I be using to keep the bugs away?

A midnight frolic in the backyard through my chilli plants with a torch & a pair of thongs (my squashers) also works very well for me, especially for finding grasshoppers, caterpillars & slugs.

Of late Ive noticed a few flys have taken up sleeping poles on some of my Naga Jolokias, they are really easy to squash at night using your thumb & forefinger with the torch shining on them.
billyboy said:
A midnight frolic in the backyard through my chilli plants with a torch & a pair of thongs

Ok, I know it's early, and I'm not well caffeinated yet, but the visual I just got off that made me laugh loudly enough that people in the hall stopped to see what was so funny.

Please take pictures next time!
In Ripley, Ohio, and points nearby, thongs are an old-fashioned name for flip-flops, rubber footwear. A cheap sandal, if you will.

I prefer a neatly trimmed bush, but not on my chile plants...


sorry - I couldn't resist :lol: