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Show Off Your Horns

Thought I'd show off some whitetail deer racks we grow in southern Iowa.


These were all killed with a shotgun shooting slugs. A whole lot of slugs.;) Rifles are illegal for deer hunting in Iowa.

That is a 48"/122cm measuring stick at the top.
they look great patrick..

I had a heap of big pigs tusks mounted on timber from my hunting days but I lost them in a fire!!!! :( and no pics :(:(

I've never got to hunt deer as it's very VERY expensive to hunt them in Australia
All I can say is this...Nice looking collection and they got my mouth watering thinking about all of that back strap. Mmm-Mmm!
Back strap. Now you got me drooling. We would always hang our deer at camp and no matter how many we ended up with not a single one went home with the back straps still in. Never got fancy with it either. Butter in the cast iron over an open fire, flour, salt, pepper, occasionally an onion and that was it. Never had any leftovers.

Good luck JayT, hope you bag one bigger than all of them.

Bummer MB, still got the memories though. Plus now that you don't have them anymore they can all grow an inch or two. Ha!
I collect deer antlers but usually only ones I find in the bush. Personally I'm not a big fan of displaying kill trophies but that's just me. I guess I have enough live deer around me all the time if I want to see horns
willard3 said:
What happened to the deer?

Did they run right out from under their horns? Musta been scared.....

They're in my belly.

POTAWIE I don't look at them as kill trophies. To me they represent what man can do to make a change in his environment. When I first started deer hunting as a kid, I was 12 the first time when my pops took me, you rarely seen a deer in Iowa let alone something as magnificent as these. Permits were issued by lottery and 9 out of 10 were buck only. No shooting the ladies.

The early 1900s found no deer in Iowa. None, zero, zilch, nada. In the 1930's the population was estimated at 500-700 and these came from escapes and releases from captive herds. By 1950 due to conservation efforts the population grew to 10,000 state wide. The concentration of deer in some areas was leading to agricultural damage and the first deer hunting season was established.

Today, due to the efforts of hunters and other conservation groups the deer population in Iowa is estimated to be well over 200,000 after hunting season in which over 100,000 deer are harvested.

Displaying these horns encourages others to participate which brings in more funds to maintain a healthy population of deer in the state.
Gonna be going doe hunting in a few weeks. No antlers for the wall, but between me and Mom each having a license, that's gonna be a lot of good meat in the freezer and hopefully something nice made out of the hide.
Good luck diver.

Yeah, one thing about old bucks with big horns, lots and lots of chewing involved. Or a butt load of deer baloney.:)
patrick said:
Good luck diver.

Yeah, one thing about old bucks with big horns, lots and lots of chewing involved. Or a butt load of deer baloney.:)

Haven't been hunting in far too long, but when I took my .35 to the range to sight it in, was pleasantly surprised to see that not only was the gun still dead on, but my aim hasn't gone away. Probably from my never ending war on the pigeons here. Staying accurate with a cheap pellet gun from the local megamart is probably a lot harder than staying accurate with a well made rifle and a high quality scope.:lol:
patrick said:
Good luck diver.

Yeah, one thing about old bucks with big horns, lots and lots of chewing involved. Or a butt load of deer baloney.:)

one of the best butcher shops in the state is local here :D

They make an awesome deer salami with hot cheese!!!! and there jerky is awesome also!
Skydiver said:
Gonna be going doe hunting in a few weeks. No antlers for the wall, but between me and Mom each having a license, that's gonna be a lot of good meat in the freezer and hopefully something nice made out of the hide.

You should hunt reindeers, then you'd get antlers whether you get a male or a female;)
peter pepper said:
man if you titled the thread "show off your rack" instead i bet there would be whole different set of pics on here.

Yeah, thought about that Pete, wanted to keep it PG rated.
patrick - nice racks! & congrats on bagging them.
I'd love to shoot any of the 3 in the upper left.

sadly to say I'm still hoping to shoot a nice buck one day :(
I've only shot 2 bucks so far(which were 2.5 yr olds so nothing special for a rack) but I've shot plenty of does, & most were shot with a bow, the rest were shot with a 12ga. slug

got a beard spur pic though - 21# 9" beard 1" spurs


the iowa deer population kinda sounds like mn turkey population, back in the day & nowadays. our DNR needs to get some kind of QDM cuz trophy bucks are far & few. but they're selling out to car insurances to kill'em all :rolleyes:
That's a beautiful piece of art you have there chilihunter for sure! A heck of a lot harder to get than a deer any day. Got a couple myself.

Back in 1973 or '74 Iowa had it first turkey season. Permits were hard to get and areas to hunt were limited. My pops ended up bagging the largest turkey that year and owned he state record--25lbs bird. The largest one I have ever killed was 23. 5 pounds. One of the biggest thrills of my life.

Iowa's turkey population has exploded and I've seen flocks walking through small towns not caring at all about people. They are without a doubt one of the stupidest animals on the entire planet though. If they weren't so damn paranoid you could probably walk up to one and scare it to death.
mmmmm, deer meat. I had a friend learned to bow-hunt one year, she had a house full of kids to feed, and her man wasnt stepping up to the plate. Six months after she went hunting, I got a taste of the last bowl of deer chili.

Hunters are a vital part of conservation, and I think some how bringing home your own food like that is very grounding, reminds us where we come from. I've talked to folk that deer hunting season meant they got to eat something besides corn meal mush all the winter, back in the day. say....I cant remember the last time I ate red meat(accept for a strip of breakfast bacon)....wonder what the hunting learning curve is?