Show us your Ghetto growing gear.

That is pretty darn cool!
Might work on a full moon night!
I'll post a pic of my actual grow setup at some point, but this is my high tech bottom-heated germination apparatus...



I've tried other things, but the heat output from the router is perfect. Everything usually sprouts within a week. Tepins, Bhuts, 7Pods... no issues. I can layer about 5 or 6 bags at a time on it.

Thanks for the bright idea. Mines a bit different so here it goes.

Here is my setup. I had a few sheets of Styrofoam laying around so I chopped them up and glued them together with silicon. The strip lights have flourescent horticultural tubes.

great job steve5000, it is so hard to find a use for used styrofoam, i hate breaking it up and throwing it in the garbage as our recycle program doesn't accept it. that gives me some new ideas but i am not going to share them with you groovie cats....... just yet.
<p>My ghetto starter garden. Fast food cups work wonders after I was done with the jiffy pods. I don't use any real lights, except the wife's lamp. This is a 4 seasons room with a southern exposure, so I use the sun.

pics aren't uploading
This I think will take the ghetto cake.

In florida, most of us exist in defiance of winter... True story - there are entire facebook groups (more than one!) devoted to wearing sandals in winter even when its freezing, or after having moved to other states, in the snow - that are more or less expressing this sentiment. I don't think its a conscious thing... But never the less, the farmers almanac said the final frost would be the second week in Feb, so after the final frost, I planted out everything that was ready at the time. Then nature threw a curve, and decided to frost again... So the afternoon of the day it was to freeze, I'm scrambling trying to come up with some way to keep them from being turned into peppersickles.

In a moment of ghetto brilliance, or insanity (jury is still out) I remembered my neighbors stand of bamboo that he hates... I cut down a few of the taller stouter pieces, borrowed some painters drop cloth from my sister (who had just painted two days prior... still smelt of pain on the edges), and some duct tape, and built the following gheto glam bivouac style green house.


it actually worked fairly well also... I used a big cinderblock (not pictured) to hold the center down on the side facing us, and the wind caused it to tear, which caused three plants to be exposed to the frost... 1 is in the process of dying, the other two already have new growth...

This green house is guaranteed to be an eyesore that will cause at least minor annoyance to your neighbors....
Mine is far from ghetto compared to some of these setups... I shelled out the money for a roll of mylar and a couple light fixtures and went to town. I have a 4-bulb 4' T5HO fixture hanging from the clothes rack in my closet, and then a 2-bulb 4' T8 fixture hanging from one of the doors using a stretched out clothes hanger. It's getting a bit crowded in there, but there's enough reflected light that the plants are happy even if they aren't sitting directly under the light.

Redneck grow set up is going alright. It's out in my garage seeing as I don't have a good place inside to setup. Temps are my main issue but with the lights on it stays about 75 degrees. Good use of some old RC tires, random boards, a dryer sheet box, and meat thermometer.



