• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Show Us Your Pubes! Group GLOG From The Rocoto Giveaway

I am starting this thread for folks who received some Pubescens seeds from me through the Pubescens giveaway. I figured it would be fun to see everyone's progress, plus have a general place to share any pics, growing techniques, and general Pubescens knowledge. I wish everyone great success in their gardens this year.

Even if you didn't receive seeds from me, and want to contribute info about your Pubescens plants this year, please feel free to share.



Oro still looks like it my end up better for my area.
DanMcG said:
My orange rocoto in a 7 gallon bag is really going crazy compared to it's in the garden brothers and sisters.
roco resiz.JPG
Garden plants;
Bagged plant has at least 6 pods going, garden zero. 
Thanks for looking, I can't wait to taste one of these.
Containers are the way to grow these in the N.Atlantic. They take a very long time to set up when grown in the ground.
I haven't been on here in a few months, life happens ya know. I thought you all might like to see my 55 gallon kratky rocoto experiment. This is a Melon rocoto from pepperlovers. You can see some of the wrinkled leaves left from a vicious aphid battle but it seems to have recovered nicely.


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More damn rain and my largest mini red dont like it. Oddly the other mini and the Aji Oro dont seem to mind it nearly as much. The larger mini is loaded with LOTS of tiny pods....i mean LOTS but i will be amazed if it holds even half of them. The Aji Oro though looks to be forming a pod on virtually every single flower and the pods are growing like crazy. I got a pod or two almost thumb sized sofar. That sucker germinated and grew sooooo freaking slow. Now i can almost watch it grow daily.
Help me out, guys. 
Big Apple Red Rocoto, transplanted a couple weeks ago. This happened overnight Saturday. No idea if it's a pest, a nute, a disease or what. It's suddenly there. No fertilizer applied. Note the slow radiading from top down. It seems to have either quit or slowed dramatically, but obviously the damage is done.
Any clues?
Big Apple Red1.jpg

Big Apple Red2.jpg
Jeez.  It looks like burn.  I can tell you the Big Apple was the most heat/sun sensitive rocoto I've grown, but I never experienced anything like that. It's been outside in the sun for some time now?  My only suggestion would be get it into indirect light - and I remember you don't give them much direct light which makes this even more odd.  Really a bummer to see.  I can see it was a good looking plant up until this.
I've got 6 Manzano Rojos that are approaching the tops of their tomato cages. These usually grow quite large before they start to flower, but are showing small buds already now:

I've got 2 Montufars - one from a rescue project and one from seed. The one from seed is approaching waist high:

Also a flower from the Montufar:

And my Pico Mucho is doing great as well, though I thought several times that this plant was going to die (once it was attacked by a squirrel which ate halfway through the main stem - but it recovered and grew a woody stalk). This plant is also almost waist high now.

DanMcG said:
That's interesting GIP, I have this one manzano/orange rocoto plant that has always been different then the rest... more of a upright wispy grower. Then this morning I see it's first pepper and it looks a lot like yours.
there are several pubescens with pods that are not apple /manzano/rounded shape. 
they are possibly/probably my favorite domesticated cultivar of capsicum to grow  :party:
podz said:
I've got 6 Manzano Rojos that are approaching the tops of their tomato cages. These usually grow quite large before they start to flower, but are showing small buds already now:
I've got 2 Montufars - one from a rescue project and one from seed. The one from seed is approaching waist high:
Also a flower from the Montufar:
And my Pico Mucho is doing great as well, though I thought several times that this plant was going to die (once it was attacked by a squirrel which ate halfway through the main stem - but it recovered and grew a woody stalk). This plant is also almost waist high now.
Your Montufar and Pico in particular have beautiful foliage.  That's exactly the look I want to see on my leaves during the early season and those pictures do a great job of showing the texture and color.
Guatemalan Insanity Pepper said:
there are several pubescens with pods that are not apple /manzano/rounded shape. 
they are possibly/probably my favorite domesticated cultivar of capsicum to grow  :party:
Ditto, GIP.  :party:
CaneDog said:
Your Montufar and Pico in particular have beautiful foliage.  That's exactly the look I want to see on my leaves during the early season and those pictures do a great job of showing the texture and color.
Yes, the Manzano Rojos leaves are not quite so rich in color - they are also softer, not so "crispy" as the Montufars and Pico Muchos. I think they are native to quite different climates.
I think both the Montufar and the Pico Mucho will need potting up here soon. Maybe next week.