• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Show Us Your Pubes! Group GLOG From The Rocoto Giveaway

I am starting this thread for folks who received some Pubescens seeds from me through the Pubescens giveaway. I figured it would be fun to see everyone's progress, plus have a general place to share any pics, growing techniques, and general Pubescens knowledge. I wish everyone great success in their gardens this year.

Even if you didn't receive seeds from me, and want to contribute info about your Pubescens plants this year, please feel free to share.
Update on sickly Big Apple Red: I removed most of the more severely affected leafage, the immediate node growth, though mis-shapen and wrinkly, seems to be healthy. New growth appears robust and NORMAL.


Note the attempt at overachievement at the fork. This plant no doubt sensed a threat.


And compare to the Aji Largo to the right. Nothing was moved or isolated throughout this event, the Largo has been unaffected, as were every other plant. I've decided to go with nutrient anomaly. Or a genetic brain fart.

Ok this is driving me nuts
Large mini red...flowered and produced pods first....loaded with pods......and every damn pod is still tiny, about the size of a garbanzo bean/chickpea
Aji Oro...second to produce...lots of pods for its size........and every damn pod is growing fast...some as large as a strawberry or more
Smaller mini red.....last to bloom and produce......already has pods larger than any pods on the other mini red....several the size of a cherry now.
All get the same nutrients.
All are in 7gal fabric pots
All get nearly the same amount of direct sunlight
2 have drip pans that get drained if we get heavy rain.
Smaller mini red is setting on a patio chair so it gets a bit more air circulation. No drip pan.
I think the seeds i used were from pods my friend in Idaho sent me. I wanted to use them instead of the original seeds i got from TGCM. His original seeds and mine last year were the same from TGCM. He got tons of nice sized pods and i didnt get squat last year other than really nice plants. Both current mini reds were started near the end of last years season just for a early start this year.
Now, he did have Miraflores yellows and Mini Reds growing side by side so there is a chance of a cross. I need to see if i noted which seeds i used in my glog.
ShowMeDaSauce said:
Ok this is driving me nuts
Large mini red...flowered and produced pods first....loaded with pods......and every damn pod is still tiny, about the size of a garbanzo bean/chickpea
Aji Oro...second to produce...lots of pods for its size........and every damn pod is growing fast...some as large as a strawberry or more
Smaller mini red.....last to bloom and produce......already has pods larger than any pods on the other mini red....several the size of a cherry now.
All get the same nutrients.
All are in 7gal fabric pots
All get nearly the same amount of direct sunlight
2 have drip pans that get drained if we get heavy rain.
Smaller mini red is setting on a patio chair so it gets a bit more air circulation. No drip pan.
We here on earth do not nearly understand plants yet. For example, did you know that plants use fungal mycelium networks as a transport layer for warning messages to other plants? One plant that is attacked by a certain type of predator can send advance warning to other plants to start producing a specific type of secretions that will help protect against predator X, this has been researched and published in recent years. How about if the message is transported from the mycelium into the spores and then carried in the wind? What else can they do in terms of communication and reaction to threats or advantages?
We people are still quite ignorant regarding this entire business. Plants had an internet before we did!


That was NOT easy. My fingers ain't for delicate work no mo'.

There are 5 or 6 flower buds in the bag, the way this gal is setting fruit I should get a bounty of seed.

Funny though, I ordered a 10-pack of 3" X 4" iso-bags from Rebel With A Garden and there were 22 in the package!
This rocoto Santa Natalia is quite a sprawler, and is setting pods on every single flower that pops up. Not too shabby for a week of 90+ degree temps every day. The early pods are getting nice and plump, under all of that foliage


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Thegreenchilemonster said:
This rocoto Santa Natalia is quite a sprawler, and is setting pods on every single flower that pops up. Not too shabby for a week of 90+ degree temps every day. The early pods are getting nice and plump, under all of that foliage
OK, I want some seeds from that one! :-) Might be able to set up a trade with a local grower, need to investigate.
My Peruvian Red Rocoto has flowers, but no pods yet. I started it late. This plant is in full sun,
want to see how it can handle it. We are supposed to get some super hot weather soon in
Virginia Beach.
Its strange, the Aji Limo Rojo is growing yellow pods instead of red. I could have sworn I used my
own seed from a red pod, but its possible I used some of the original seed you sent me. Will be interesting to see if it taste different.

roper2008 said:
My Peruvian Red Rocoto has flowers, but no pods yet. I started it late. This plant is in full sun,
want to see how it can handle it. We are supposed to get some super hot weather soon in
Virginia Beach.
Its strange, the Aji Limo Rojo is growing yellow pods instead of red. I could have sworn I used my
own seed from a red pod, but its possible I used some of the original seed you sent me. Will be interesting to see if it taste different.

oh hey! another local.  im in Hampton.
roper2008 said:
My Peruvian Red Rocoto has flowers, but no pods yet. I started it late. This plant is in full sun,
want to see how it can handle it. We are supposed to get some super hot weather soon in
Virginia Beach.
Its strange, the Aji Limo Rojo is growing yellow pods instead of red. I could have sworn I used my
own seed from a red pod, but its possible I used some of the original seed you sent me. Will be interesting to see if it taste different.

It's interesting, because one of my aji limo plants is putting off yellow pods right now also grown from a red pod. I've got 4 of the red aji limo plants growing, so hopefully the other three plants put off regular colored pods. I'm also growing 2 aji limo yellow plants, so it would be pretty funny if those switched from last season, back to red this season.

It's been an epic season so far for rocotos here in NOVA. I'll grab some pics probably this Sunday, when I've got some time. We've been having enough alternating rainy/sunny days, that I don't even really have to water or anything
Here's my one potted Orange Rocoto that's doing pretty good compared to the ones in the ground. It has 5 or 6 pods close to full size for what seems to be forever. I hope I see some color soon. :)
It's 3 foot tall and spreading wider everyday.
roc 7g.jpg
Looking at around a week of over/just under 90°, thought it time for an experiment. My Darlin Bride gave her stamp of non-retribution, so I brought a few of my Pubes in to bask in Cuernavaca-style temperatures (72°, 24/7) until this heatwave passes. The rest will have to languish in what God provides..

L-R, Peruvian Red OW, Big Apple Red, Aji Largo & Arequipenã OW.

And my OW Turbo Pube...

The layman that I am seems to remember reading here that Rocotos (or was it ALL peppers?) will shut down if temps breach the 90° mark.

Gonna test that. It's just now noon and 87°...