• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Show Us Your Pubes! Group GLOG From The Rocoto Giveaway

I am starting this thread for folks who received some Pubescens seeds from me through the Pubescens giveaway. I figured it would be fun to see everyone's progress, plus have a general place to share any pics, growing techniques, and general Pubescens knowledge. I wish everyone great success in their gardens this year.

Even if you didn't receive seeds from me, and want to contribute info about your Pubescens plants this year, please feel free to share.
A few aji largo pods I just picked. They don't look like a typical rocoto, but they are very tasty, and pack quite a punch. Perfect for sauces!


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Thegreenchilemonster said:
A few aji largo pods I just picked. They don't look like a typical rocoto, but they are very tasty, and pack quite a punch. Perfect for sauces!
Those look great!  I didn't see any rocotos in your "Harvest" post, but other good things.  Glad to see the rocotos coming in as well.  I'm growing the A Largos this season based on your previous accolades.  I won't have any ripe pods for a while, but I'm definitely looking forward to trying them.
CaneDog said:
Those look great!  I didn't see any rocotos in your "Harvest" post, but other good things.  Glad to see the rocotos coming in as well.  I'm growing the A Largos this season based on your previous accolades.  I won't have any ripe pods for a while, but I'm definitely looking forward to trying them.
Yeah, I didn't realize I had any ripe aji largos until well after I took my harvest pic. My aji largo plants are dense shrubs, loaded with pods and foliage. I noticed some red in there, and dug around a bit, to find these 5 ripe pods.
One of my most eagerly anticipated new plantings this year was this Mini Brown Rocoto, seed gifted by CaneDog. It's really living up to it's name so far, though it IS flowering.


At this rate I'll be able to overwinter this little guy in a Solo cup!

Is there special nute that triggers the pituitary gland on this pup? Or is this normal? Sure looks healthy, and I don't wanna "fix" what ain't broke (done made that mistake before...).
Hey Stetto.  That's not your giant "Key to the City of Minneapolis" you using for scale, is it?
These guys are a small/compact variety and I don't think there's anything wrong with yours.  They just seem to take a while to put on size.  I think they're ideal for an indoor grow and have been keeping mine in small pots to see how they react. Here's a picture of one of mine a couple weeks ago.  It's producing well for a canopy roughly the size of my spread hand. The other one is only slightly bigger (more branched though) and producing similarly. I'd expect yours to keep trucking along at its own pace, but also to start flowering quite a bit more soon.
In other brown news, both XL browns are doing well and just starting to put on buds now. The XL's are bigger/normal plants - though mine are a bit behind everything else due to how late they sprouted.
stettoman said:
All my "giants have begun to flower, the Big Apple Red and De Seda having the BIGGEST, most lovely blossoms. Lots of drop so far, not seeing any pollen in them yet.

My XL Brown died in the cradle, if you get good seed I'd love to try again...
Glad you're getting some good from this season. Seems like almost everyone's had more trouble than usual - and some are just getting blitzed.
Yep. Felt bad that the limited XLB seed I had didn't do better, but I have 2 that are growing well and I intend to isolate from both. You're top of the list.
I braved the mosquitos and 95 degree heat to grab some pics this evening. Here are the aji largo plants. Very bushy, with a solid amount of pods. This one, as well as most of the rest of the Pubes are setting every flower to a pod, despite the brutal heat.

It's hard to capture the whole canopy, and pod set, since the plant sprawls out a bit, but this is a good representation.


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Some rocoto Santa Natalia pods are starting to ripen up a bit. They look like they are going to turn orange/yellow. I really didn't know what to expect from this one, since it was gifted from a fellow THP member from Romania. Not much info available online about it. I really dig the plant, and it's looking like I should get a good 25-30 pods off of it this season. Hopefully the pods taste good!


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Here is a hedge of Arequipa Giant Rocotos. These plants are HEALTHY, and putting off some dense growth, and a very bountiful pod set. It's impossible to really capture the pods, since there are so many buried under all of that foliage, so I dug down in there a bit to grab some pics. These rocotos are growing in clusters as well. I'd say estimate that there is a good 80+ pods in there in various stages of growth. This Fall will be the rocoto motherload from these bad boys


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Thegreenchilemonster said:
Some rocoto Santa Natalia pods are starting to ripen up a bit. They look like they are going to turn orange/yellow. I really didn't know what to expect from this one, since it was gifted from a fellow THP member from Romania. Not much info available online about it. I really dig the plant, and it's looking like I should get a good 25-30 pods off of it this season. Hopefully the pods taste good!
My Santa Natalia was dark red maybe is cross but the shape of pods is identical . Even the plant and leaves is the same.
az1000 said:
My Santa Natalia was dark red maybe is cross but the shape of pods is identical . Even the plant and leaves is the same.
I was expecting red as well, based on the pics I dug up on the Scandinavian pepper forums. We'll see what the final ripe color is, but I'm mostly hoping they are juicy and delicious.

I didn't get germination from the rest of the seedd you sent me, but I'll try them again next year.
Thegreenchilemonster said:
I was expecting red as well, based on the pics I dug up on the Scandinavian pepper forums. We'll see what the final ripe color is, but I'm mostly hoping they are juicy and delicious.

I didn't get germination from the rest of the seedd you sent me, but I'll try them again next year.
I got the seeds from a Scandinavian(Finland) guy. I hope to be the right one ,mine was very good, one of my favorite pube.
Thegreenchilemonster said:
Here is a hedge of Arequipa Giant Rocotos. These plants are HEALTHY, and putting off some dense growth, and a very bountiful pod set. It's impossible to really capture the pods, since there are so many buried under all of that foliage, so I dug down in there a bit to grab some pics. These rocotos are growing in clusters as well. I'd say estimate that there is a good 80+ pods in there in various stages of growth. This Fall will be the rocoto motherload from these bad boys
Hey Dale, a couple seasons ago Malarky sent me a Christmas card containing all manner of seed Pubescen, all or most giving you credit for origin. One of them was a Rocoto labeled Arequipeño. All my seed searches end in a page full of recipes, while Arequipa is a town in Peru. My Arequipeño OW is now a bloomin' idiot. Is my Arequipeño the same as Arequipa?
stettoman said:
Hey Dale, a couple seasons ago Malarky sent me a Christmas card containing all manner of seed Pubescen, all or most giving you credit for origin. One of them was a Rocoto labeled Arequipeño. All my seed searches end in a page full of recipes, while Arequipa is a town in Peru. My Arequipeño OW is now a bloomin' idiot. Is my Arequipeño the same as Arequipa?
Yeah, Arequipeño just means from Arequipa. Arequipa is the home of the rocoto relleno, meaning it is one of the regional specialties of Arequipa. The Arequipeño seeds you have there are ones I have been growing for years, and were originally gifted to me by some friends that brought them from Arequipa, Perú. It is a very productive variety, and quite heat tolerant.

The hedge of Giant Red Arequipa Rocotos I am growing in this pic are from seeds sourced from Semillas La Palma. I figured I'd give it a shot this year with this strain, to see what is up with them. The Giant Yellow Arequipa rocotos from Semillas La Palma are not liking the heat here at all, and are getting fried crispy in the current 95-100 degree daily heat we are getting here right now.