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Silver Surfer's 2009 plantings

Here's some of the things I'm growing in 2009.

A Fatalii started from seed 2/15/09. It's starting to bush out a little.

It's setting a few pods and putting on some new buds.

Naga Morrich started from seed 2/15/09.

Black Pearl started from seed 2/15/09. It's loading on the pod clusters and hopefully some will soon start ripening to red.

Here's a properly labeled Datil started from seed 2/15/09 (no spilled seed tray this year). LOL

It's starting to put on some buds so maybe I'll get to taste one this year.

An Ancho 101 started from seed 2/15/09.

It looks like I'll be making Chile Rellenos this summer.

A second year Lemon Drop. Thanks for identifying this one for me LUCKYDOG.

This plant really produced last year and it looks set to deliver again.

Second year Naga Morrich.

This Naga is getting loaded for bear.

A Red Hab on its second year. Thanks for the help with the ID, LUCKYDOG, QuadShotz, peppermanbaha and imaguitargod.

This is a Fatalii started late from seed this year sometime in April. It was left too long in the window in its 6in. pot and repotted yesterday to the #5 pot. It's accompanied by some of it's fertilizer factories.

A late April start of a Fish pepper and repotted from its 16oz cup yesterday.

Some more late starts repotted from 16oz cups yesterday. Includes Bolivian Rainbow, Ancho San Martin, Super Heavy Yellow Bell, Fatalii, and Early Sunsation Yellow Bell.

Some porch tomatoes, I'll be eating fried green maters soon. Yum!!!

A shot of my little garden patch with water melons, squash, okra, sweet corn, popcorn, tomatoes, cukes, and cantaloupe.

Not much to pick here yet except for squash and cukes.

That's all for now and about all my dialup connection will handle. :P
now i may be wrong...im a lil new at this.

but couple of those plants like the datil, looks like it could use some epsom salt
Your garden make me really jealous, me wants toooo!!! :) Im also growing a Datil, it grows very slowly, I also hope I get to try one, it gets more exciting and interesting when the plant resist and tease a bit :)
Minion §1 said:
now i may be wrong...im a lil new at this.

but couple of those plants like the datil, looks like it could use some epsom salt

All of my pepper plants have already had two doses spaced a week apart and no significant difference yet. I just hope they grow out of it.

lavish said:
Your garden make me really jealous, me wants toooo!!! :) Im also growing a Datil, it grows very slowly, I also hope I get to try one, it gets more exciting and interesting when the plant resist and tease a bit :)

I've been battling bugs on a lot of the plants, but the Datil seems least bothered by them, even with its leaf curl. :) I did't remember I had planted a Datil until doing inventory before this last pot up to decide which plants to cull. Looking forward to tasting one soon.
great looking plants and a fine garden surfer...best of luck to you this grow season...
Sweet setup Silver Surfer. Alliteration purely by accident. Very impressive garden and plants, going to be a busy summer for you.
Somebodys been real busy, very nice spread...

Some of those plants are monsters...!

One question... How do you keep the weeds out of your garden with all that open dirt because I sure don't see any..."-)
AlabamaJack said:
great looking plants and a fine garden surfer...best of luck to you this grow season...

Thank you, AJ.

bigt said:
Sweet setup Silver Surfer. Alliteration purely by accident. Very impressive garden and plants, going to be a busy summer for you.

Thanks. Yup, there'e always something to do around here and the "Round 2 Its" keep piling up. :)

splitcane said:
Somebodys been real busy, very nice spread...

Some of those plants are monsters...!

One question... How do you keep the weeds out of your garden with all that open dirt because I sure don't see any..."-)

Thanks. I plant a cover crop in the fall and till it under a few times with the tractor in the spring before planting and this helps reduce the weeds. After that the weeds are best tackled after each rain while still tiny and I use one of oldest agricultural implements known to man in order to stay ahead of them, a hoe. :D Of course las manos also get used for the close work.
boutros said:
Everything looks so green and healthy out there. Nice garden man. Love those massive rows of okra.

Thanks butros, fried okra is one of my favorite snack foods, hot or cold. I'll be overrun with it this year, but there were 2 more varieties that I wanted to try along side my old standby, Clemson Spineless.
Yeah, I got to try more varieties next year. Thought I was gonna move, so I lamed out on goin big on okra this year. Only have like six clemson this year. I'll eat okra any way I can get it. I always loved just cutting it up raw and throwing it in a thermos of chicken noodle soup with some fresh tobasco peppers. Good for work or fishing.
It's been really sticky hot here with temps in the upper 90s and humidity running around 94%. The plants don't seem to mind though, so here's a 2 week update.

This years Red Hab is spreading its wings...

and setting some fat pods.

The overwintered plant is doing OK...

and a few pods are getting ripe.

This years Naga Morrich, plant #1...

has set a few pods.

Naga Morrich #2 started this year...

is getting loaded. Time for support.

Fatalii #1 is getting a little bushier...

and has some sauce candidates.

Fatalii #2 was stripped of its large middle leaves and allowed lower branches to grow...

and has a few pods growing.

The Black Pearl's pods are growing...

and a few are starting to ripen.

The Ancho lost a branch and major poddage in the last storm, but survives.

The late started Fish looks like it is set to bush.
