Silver Surfer's 2010 Grow

Skydiver said:
Very nice looking garden, and yeah, that Purple Flash is one of the prettiest plants of any species I've ever seen.

Thanks SD, web pics of the plant caught my eye too.

SouthernYooper said:
I can only imagine the work you put into that garden. Very impressive. Do you ever sell produce at Farmer's Markets? or is this all just the food for the table? Either way hope the harvest ends up being worth all the sweat.

In the long run it's actually less work because the only thing that requires a hoe this season ( besides me :lol: ) is the corn. I just go out and switch a valve on rows that need it periodically, but am disappointed in the performance of the cheap soaker hose I purchased from Sam's Club.

I've never bothered trying to sell anything, but I do give a LOT of extra produce away to neighbors each season (my freezer and pantry can only hold so much). I just love helping stuff grow. :)
Well, after many trips back and forth to the garden, researching online, cross referrencing my grow list
and staring at badly faded labels, I think I have correctly identified some more of what I have growing,
but I may have made some mistakes, so speak up if you see any. Time will straighten it all out and I'm
definitely using a different plant marking system next season.

Aji Amarillo

Aji Cereza

Aji de la Tierra

These Aji de la Tierra pods have some funky ridges.
I'm unsure, but I think this is a Fatalii.

Golden Nugget

I can see why they call this a Golden Nugget. The pods aren't very uniform and have a lumpy nugget shape.

Joe's Long Cayenne
Trinidad Scorpion, Brain Strain and Manzano Orange.
This Manzano hasn't set any pods yet and I'm sure it's because it's getting more sun
and thus higher temps it doesn't like.

The Brain Strain is liking its new larger home though and starting to pull away from it's twin in a #5 pot.
I can't see much difference between the 2 Scorpions yet.

This Douglah in the garden was started from seed Feb 4th, receives sun all day and has much
smaller leaves and growth than the Douglahs residing in #5 containers, which were started from
seed over a month later and get afternoon shade. In its defense it isn't recieving what it needs
though, due to its position upslope in the row with a faulty soaker hose irrigation system.

This is one of the late started Douglahs that was started in the second week of March and...
after checking its root development in the #5 pot, I decided to...

give this one a larger home in my last available tote slot.

The pubes that get more shade are still holding onto their pod sets.

That's all for now. This update was murder on dialup. :(
Plants all look great and I like the brain strain comparison. That douglah sure grew some nice roots and fast, what is your source? You always have such happy healthy plants, nice work SS. :onfire:
Great work SS! Thank you for persevering through your dial up connection...........

Thanks RS. Dialup sucks, but the uploads suck 2x. :lol:

Plants all look great and I like the brain strain comparison. That douglah sure grew some nice roots and fast, what is your source? You always have such happy healthy plants, nice work SS. :onfire:

Appreciated Cappy; They're the same seeds I was fortunate enough to get from you. Remember in your thread we were discussing meager pod production on these and you suggested planting more in the name of strain improvement (or something along those lines) and I complied and planted more of the same, just much later starts.
Man you can sure tell which plants were getting the water. I'd like to watch the growth of the Douglah that got the last tote. I'm betting that baby is going to grow and produce pods like no other. You got me excited SS!

Best of luck to you bro.
Jeez SS. What ever you're doing, you're doing it right... Beautiful plants. Decided to get some okra going today. Was gonna bail on it but your garden pics made me rethink that. Thanks man.
That garden douglah's not looking bad. I like the bushy guy. Of course I like root porn as much as the next guy and hope that #5 turns out to be your biggest tree :)
Amazing stuff SS. The roots on that young guy in #5's is crazy.

Thanks MW; it hit another one of those growth spurts over the past week so I figured the roots had hit the pot's edge and pulled it out to have a look. :)

Man you can sure tell which plants were getting the water. I'd like to watch the growth of the Douglah that got the last tote. I'm betting that baby is going to grow and produce pods like no other. You got me excited SS!

Best of luck to you bro.

Appreciate the well wishes and glad to be a source of excitement. ;)

Wow if only I can grow my plants to that size already, and as well!

my first growing year for anything. Great work!

Thanks franz, you can do it. Chiles don't require anything special to grow.

Jeez SS. What ever you're doing, you're doing it right... Beautiful plants. Decided to get some okra going today. Was gonna bail on it but your garden pics made me rethink that. Thanks man.

Gotta have my fried okra snacks. :) Thanks man.

whoa! very full and bushy plants. That's really amazing. They're all perfect....literally. nice naga pods.

You're too kind; I'm still searching for the perfect chili plant. Thanks

That garden douglah's not looking bad. I like the bushy guy. Of course I like root porn as much as the next guy and hope that #5 turns out to be your biggest tree :)

The garden plant does have more dense growth and many more leaves, but I'm betting the container plant wins the production run this season. Of course I'd settle for a tie. ;) Thanks.