Silver Surfer's 2010 Grow

Where did you get the plastic mulch SS? We made a killer slip and slide on memorial day in the front yard and went out trying to find some when I blew the pool wide open with my fatass. Ended up using 3mil painters drop cloths.

Oh yeah, peppers look killer too. When is the roasted corn dinner?
Things are looking great as always on your home planet Zenn-La

Thanks POTAWIE, weather is starting to get pretty hot at this latitude.

franzb69 said:
Marvel comics fans. Sweet.

This Silver Surfer surfs the WEB. ;)

Phadrus On Fire said:
Very nice. I have land envy, want more now! lol

Keep up the good work!

Thanks, be careful what you wish for; more land = more work. :)

millworkman said:
Where did you get the plastic mulch SS? We made a killer slip and slide on memorial day in the front yard and went out trying to find some when I blew the pool wide open with my fatass. Ended up using 3mil painters drop cloths.

Oh yeah, peppers look killer too. When is the roasted corn dinner?

Thanks MW. The plastic mulch is nowhere near durable enough (1.25 mil) to use as a slide for wet asses. :lol: I ordered the 4 ft x 2,400 ft 1.25 mil embossed black from here.

The corn won't be ready for many weeks yet and all isn't for roasting. Three types of popcorn (Cherokee Long Ear, Pennsylvania Butter-Flavored, and Carousel) and Maize Morado, a dark purple, almost black ancient corn from Peru which was raised by the Incas. I'm anxious to try this purple corn, both roasted, ground into meal and maybe try some chicha morada.
Here ya go JR, the Purple Flash.


Crappy butt 1/2" hose. Sorry to hear it isn't working the way you had hoped.

The rest of the place looks freaking awesome SS. I see you're taking the container gardening to a new level. Those plastic totes are what 20 gallon? Interested to hear how the testing goes. Best of luck to you.
We used doubled up 1 mil for some parts of the slide and it was great.

Are the pepper totes growing any better than the non?
patrick said:
Crappy butt 1/2" hose. Sorry to hear it isn't working the way you had hoped.

The rest of the place looks freaking awesome SS. I see you're taking the container gardening to a new level. Those plastic totes are what 20 gallon? Interested to hear how the testing goes. Best of luck to you.

Thanks p. They're 18 gal totes and more luck back atcha.

millworkman said:
We used doubled up 1 mil for some parts of the slide and it was great.

Are the pepper totes growing any better than the non?

Damn, how many slides did you get outta 2 mils of plastic b4 it ripped? :)

Too early to say, but I can say the tote plants don't dislike their environment yet. ;)
Gangsta grow dude! That sucks about the irrigation. Prally need the low flow regulated emitters for each plant. That would probably even out the distribution. Just an idea, dunno what that might cost.
MrArboc said:
With the risk of sounding gay - that's the most beautiful chileplant I've ever seen. I guess you know what I want to ask for?

Ummmm his phone number?:P

I have to agree with you Mr. A, it is indeed a good looking pepper plant.
JungleRain said:
thanks SS , anything your needing PM on the way

Seeds left here this morning Grant.

Diablo said:
Gangsta grow dude! That sucks about the irrigation. Prally need the low flow regulated emitters for each plant. That would probably even out the distribution. Just an idea, dunno what that might cost.

Thanks, I've been looking at some drip tape that is supposed to provide even distribution on a slope.

MrArboc said:
With the risk of sounding gay - that's the most beautiful chileplant I've ever seen. I guess you know what I want to ask for?

Send me a PM and ask away. :)

patrick said:
Ummmm his phone number?:P

I have to agree with you Mr. A, it is indeed a good looking pepper plant.

:rofl: Thanks p. :)