Silver_Surfer's season starts

Nice looking garden. You have gotten quicker at loading the pics or really went for awhile on them. You have been added to my OCB(Open and Come Back) list. :rofl: That is a good thing because I know great pics are coming once they all load.
Dang SS you truly are the man :clap: I could look at you garden all day. It is perfect :flamethrower:

Appreciated, but I'm still in search of the perfect garden. :)

Man SS that looks great!! awesome growth on those peppers!
I think I may have planted my squash before you did, and still dont have one! :(
Excellent harvest!


Thanks Kevin. What type of squash did you plant. It's usually the first thing ever picked here each season.

Yeah, he got me wondering so I had to go outside and check. :lol: I had never really looked that closely at it, it's pretty cool the way the streak runs longways and looks like a perfect rectangle running down the center. :cool:

Yeah, the flowers are really nice on the Pimenta de Neyde. I pulled a few pods from it yesterday, but haven't tried em yet.

Great looking harvest!

Thanks Ryan, you're wrong, I owe you dude. Expect a package before too much longer. :)

amazing, simply amazing. nicely done!

Thanks Buddy, I hope to get pods from all of the different varieties.

Very nice sir! :cheers:

Thanks Dan, I really enjoy your wild pics and am looking forward to a trade for some seed for next season.

Man can you grow.

Do you let your tomatoes sprawl?

What are your plans for the squash? My sister and father have zucchini growing. We usually slice it really thin then bread and fry it.

Thank you Josh, you have your growing skills finely honed guy.
Yup, the maters run where they want on top of the straw; I just don't like the hassle of tying them up all the time.
I give a lot of it away cause it doesn't freeze well. I like it breaded and fried, but I slice it about a half inch thick; I also stir fry it with bacon, onions, garlic and peppers.

You get a new internet provider SS? Don't think I've ever seen you post that many pics. Glad you did too man your garden belongs in the centerfold of Home and Garden Magazine!

Some day if I grow up, ummm I mean when I grow up, I would like to have a garden just like yours. It is a work of art my friend.

Nope, same ole slow dial up connection, but I knew if anyone appreciated all of the pics it would be you. ;)

You're making me blush. :D
Nice looking garden. You have gotten quicker at loading the pics or really went for awhile on them. You have been added to my OCB(Open and Come Back) list. :rofl: That is a good thing because I know great pics are coming once they all load.


It really took awhile! I know how that open and come back works. :rofl:

Yup, the maters run where they want on top of the straw; I just don't like the hassle of tying them up all the time.


That's cool. My father ties his up to a stake and I made a 6' tall cage for my sister. The cage is really low maintenance. The tomato grows up and over the top and then back down to the ground.
These pubes from Brazil are the only ones that continue to set and bloom in this Bama heat.
Thanks a bunch for the seeds Brito.
Do you have a PI # or other ID on what variety of C. Pub. that is?

Finding C. Pubs. that do well in the hot Texas climate can be a bit of a challenge. Summer has barely started, but we have been seeing 100 degree temps out here since early last month! :onfire:
Do you have a PI # or other ID on what variety of C. Pub. that is?

Finding C. Pubs. that do well in the hot Texas climate can be a bit of a challenge. Summer has barely started, but we have been seeing 100 degree temps out here since early last month! :onfire:

No, sorry I don't. He just labeled the seed "Red Rocoto #1". I'll save you some seed if you want, but keep in mind our climates are very different. It knocks on 100F here too, but it is much more humid and that humidity really makes it quite miserable.
No, sorry I don't. He just labeled the seed "Red Rocoto #1". I'll save you some seed if you want, but keep in mind our climates are very different. It knocks on 100F here too, but it is much more humid and that humidity really makes it quite miserable.
The leaf pattern/stem- structure does resemble my Rocoto.
No, sorry I don't. He just labeled the seed "Red Rocoto #1".
Yea, that's one of the problems with growing C. Pubs - the frequent lack of variety names. Many folks (not you) mistakenly think that "Rocoto" is a variety of pepper - they don't realize that it's a generic name that refers to an entire species! Its like if Bhut, Scorp, 7-Pod, Naga and Caribbean Red were all called "Red Hab"!

Even most of the seed companies (who should know better) do this - which I think helps perpetuate this problem?

I'll save you some seed if you want
OK, Thanks! :)

but keep in mind our climates are very different. It knocks on 100F here too, but it is much more humid and that humidity really makes it quite miserable.
This isn't Arizona - we definitely DO get humidity here! ;) Much of our hot weather blows up this way from the Gulf of Mexico, carrying the humid ocean air with it.

But weather out here has been wonky this year - we don't usually see this many 100 degree days this early in the season! :hell:

Worse part is we're not seeing much cool-down at night - it's well after midnight, and still in the 80's - and because of the rain we got today, that's actually cooler than what we've been seeing at night lately! :eek:
Ouch, that is hot. At least it drops into the 70's here at night so far and they're on the back porch and only receive a few hours of direct sun after 2PM.
The Butternut squash is taking over the garden.

I'm going to be overloaded with these Butternuts. It's setting some between pepper rows now.

The purple variety of pole beans is suckin' hind tit.

Walk space is severely limited. 30" row spacing just isn't enough.
Next season it will be double rows on 5' centers.

Coons are already starting to raid the corn.
Tried to give them some lead poisoning last night, but the sneaky masked bandits didn't show.
Here's a 2 week update on some of the chile plants.

7 Pod Barrockpore

7 Pod Brown

7 Pod Primo These late starts are beginning to catch up.

7 Pod SR Strain

7 Pod Yellow Some plants are swallowing the bamboo stake.

Aji Panca plants are starting to bush out some.
Bonda Ma Jacques is claiming its territory.

Douglah X Scorpion

So far the Douglah X Scorpion pods look the same as last season on this plant.


Giant Cumari

Crap!!! Inorka lost a branch.

Maui Purple

Pimenta de Neyde With a little help it can hold its ground against the tomato onslaught.

That's enough for now, gotta get out in the heat today and pick a few.
Everything looks so healthy and green in your garden SS, won't be long now till you have peppers up to your eyeballs and corn out your ears. :crazy: Pretty plants.