Great job, SS! I've lost, dunno, could be all toms, have to wait and see but a couple, feel like going ahead and pulling pre the remnant of derecho that hit Midwest, supposed to track through Piedmont --last Sunday some system put down 4 inches on us in an hour. (And it went on for more than an hour.) If the hail misses us today, and high winds miss everybody, great! Looking excellent, hon! Been rainiest 1.5 months I can recall. Geez. smdh!

Everybody has direct seeded and re-seeded, here comes a frog strangler, and seed gets washed. Friend of mine said, "Hell, am gonna have 30 stands of okrie comin' up in the neighbor's yard." The neighbor lives mile away.

At least we got sense of humor about it. Everybody be safe!