Jamison said:
Purely amazing. Soooooo green! Great job man!
Thanks Jamison. The plants do all the work now.
coheed196 said:
Here'sa few of your plants SS
Looks like ya gave em enough room to spread out. Four all ya potted up?
wildseed57 said:
Still looking very good S.S. looks like you have some serious land there, I noticed in one field it looks like you had a nice covered stand for some deer/turkey/hog hunting in what ever. do you have cattle too?
Your plants are going crazy now that the weather has warmed up, I like the 7 pod Bubblegum and the UBSC looks like a real bad boy. I've grown Rocoto's in the past and like their flavor, but I don't have much room to overwinter very many plants as they take up room needed for the next season's grow.The rocoto's/ manzano's just don't like my weather much I will be getting some seeds of the SBJ7 for my 2014 garden I do have one that is a "not SBJ7" and "not Madballz rusty's 7pod" so I'm wondering just what they are. What gets me is some of them are really bushy with side shoots going every where especially one that I got labeled as a Super Scorp. along with the one red Primo I have, really crazy growth. the biggest plants are what may turn out to be a Bishop hat X C. praetermissum cross, I started it a week after all the others and its a good foot taller than all the C. chinense that are growing.
Its putting out flowers now so I will be able to tell hopefully if it crossed or not, its even bigger than the Birgit's locoto that I have growing for the biggest plant contest of course all my Birgets are way smaller than the ones grown in Calif. Tex. and Florida where they don't get the cold weather like Missouri.
Next year I plan to start a month earlier with my seeds along with more and better lights and a good temp controlled grow mat. All that should give me some stronger plants. I did have a good grow mat but it quit on me, so I set up a heater to blow under my table, but near the end it had a melt down, luckily it was getting warm enough that the seedlings didn't need it any more.
Deer and turkey, no hogs or cattle here. Had cows and horses in the past. Pubes here were hit or miss in my climate as well, but I think I've found a variety that is more suited for the summer temps here. The Bishop hat X C. praetermissum cross sounds like a nice one to stabilize. I may go the other direction and start seeds a month later next season. If it follows suit with the crazy weather this year that should work out about right. Best of luck this season.
Bodeen said:
Nice looking garden. Love the clean look to it.
Thanks Bodeen. It's a little effort to set up, but well worth the labor it saves throughout the season.
Devv said:
One doesn't need close-ups to see the lush growth.
Hope the hitch gits!
Hitch has gone, thanks.
PaulG said:
SS, finally got a chance to visit your glog. Did you make the
row shaper last year? I thought I remembered it from last season.
At any rate, really like your garden space, again. The extra width over
last year's should make things much easier for you later.
Looking forward to more great pod pics.
Hi Paul, thanks. Gotta get over to your grow log soon. Wish I could visit more grows, but dial up on a pic heavy site is a bitch though.
Nope, used a hoe to hill and a garden rake to flatten the tops of the rows. I just finished the shaper this Spring and only wish I had done it sooner.
WalkGood said:
Hope your hitch gets better, awesome pics and love da grow \o/
All better now. Just needed a little muscle relaxer (JD).

Sawyer said:
I've somehow missed this glog 'til now. That's a great looking place you've got there, Allen, and a really clean garden.
Thanks Sawyer, it keeps me busy.
Garden seems to have found another gear. Here it is 5 days ago...
and today
Garden-6-28-13 Plants are starting to set and ripen fruit.
Squash is starting to set some.
Cantaloupe is blooming.
Maters are setting.
Not too large, but will make a sandwich in a few days.
Aji Pineapple
Big Jamaican