I would "+1" Jamie and Bill but like the commercial "biggest number can think of?" The kid corrects the adult; says "Infinity x infinity." So: ∞ X ∞ Jamie/Bill!
Just beautiful, SS! And "Well, there's always tomorrow." Maybe I read into it but, lol, takes a Southerner who's memorized
Gone with the Wind dialogue. "I'll think about it tomorrow . . . After all . . . tomorrow is another day." "SSS"?
Scarlett was "belle" in that she was beautiful and although a stupid b**tch in matters of love, not a b**tch to be messed with, otherwise. She carried and shot about as many guns as soldiers did in film, AND plowed.

That's my trick question for Yankee students when I teach Literature of the American South after I assign the film to watch: "Was Scarlett O'Hara a 'Southern belle?" It's not surprising how many think she was, smh.

(Sorry, what you wrote sent my mind directly to that classic film--terrible novel, but great film!)