• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

SineNomine 2021

Hi all!

Although I'm pretty old around here, this will be the first Glog.

I have been growing peppers on the balcony since 2014. Last year I switched everything to hydroponics and I am very happy with it.

Here is the growing list:

Hanging pots:
- Fatalii 6
- Fatalii Red 2
- Yellow Devil's Tongue 1
- Papa Joe's SB 3
- Scotch Bonnet MOA 3
- Black River SB 1

Floor pots:
- Pimiento de la Puta la Madre 3
- Lemon Drop 2
- Chile Rayado 4
- Jalapeño M 4
- NuMex Vaquero 4
- Yellow Devil's Tongue 1
- Tepin x Lemon Drop 3
- "Aji Cito" (Panama) 1



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SineNomine said:
Chile Rayado.
I'm a little surprised by this pepper, they all have a hairy stem. I have never had such peppers.
I have seen it with a few annuums in the past. From the top of my hat, I can say with certainty that my Serrano last year had it, and I've had jalapeños with hairy stems as well. This year I've observed this habit only with galapagoense so far.
I searched for a youtube video of chile rayado and found  the one below. There are a few moments where you can notice small hairs on the stem, e.g. 1:58. HGO. is the abbreviation of (the state of) Hidalgo.
Thanks! They are so beautiful during this period!
They drink water like crazy. Today I will have to complete the nutrient solution from all three trays.
SineNomine said:
A plant in the spare tray died.
I did not see him among the tall Jalapenos. Its roots did not grow enough and the water level dropped.
I put it in a glass of water, maybe it recovers.
Yeah, give it a chance, it might surprise you.
If it's not crispy, there is hope   :pray:    !
SineNomine said:
Chinense tray. Just because it looks great! :)
That is an understatement, my friend!