Time for a little update here. At the back of my property is another banana tree, this is an apple banana type. As the name says, they have a definite apple flavor to them.
The bananas off the top of the bunch.
All of the rest of the bunch after they hung in the screen porch and ripened.
This was a bit of a surprise in pineapple land. One of the newer plants in a gallon pot decided to fruit. Overall now there are 29 plants with fruit on them.
The fruits on the mango tree are growing rapidly now and it has dropped literally hundreds as it only holds on to what it can take care of.
And I just started getting the first decent quantity of Miracle Berry fruits.
The bananas off the top of the bunch.
All of the rest of the bunch after they hung in the screen porch and ripened.
This was a bit of a surprise in pineapple land. One of the newer plants in a gallon pot decided to fruit. Overall now there are 29 plants with fruit on them.
The fruits on the mango tree are growing rapidly now and it has dropped literally hundreds as it only holds on to what it can take care of.
And I just started getting the first decent quantity of Miracle Berry fruits.