• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

SKULLBIKERS Fun with peppers in 2021 GLOG

And so it begins, another year of growing some peppers. This will be a sort of continuation of last year
as several of those plants are still going(and many got whacked and ended up on the burn pile). 
Anyway, I have 3 trays of peppers sown and many have germinated already(mostly annums). I wanted to compare several different jalapeños for taste in real time. This tray is all jalapeños, ten types from 7 different vendors. The seeds in block 3 are from 2014.

Another tray with annums at each end and mostly rocotos in the middle(and they're taking their sweet time).

I made up a list of the jalapenos I have potted up. I think I may have to come up with more recipes to use them and preserve them!
Jalapeno Varieties & Vendors
[SIZE=19.08px]Biker Billy--My Saved Seeds[/SIZE]
[SIZE=19.08px]Chichimeca--Totally Tomatoes[/SIZE]
[SIZE=19.08px]Emerald Fire--Sandia Seed[/SIZE]
[SIZE=19.08px]Jalafuego--Reimer Seeds[/SIZE]
[SIZE=19.08px]Jalapeno Orange--Atlantic Pepper Seeds[/SIZE]
[SIZE=19.08px]Mammoth--Reimer Seeds[/SIZE]
[SIZE=19.08px]Mucho Nacho--Seeds & Such, Reimer Seeds, Totally Tomatoes [/SIZE]
[SIZE=19.08px]Numex Lemon Spice--Chili Pepper Inst.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=19.08px]Numex Jalmundo--Sandia Seeds, Chili Pepper Inst.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=19.08px]Numex Orange Spice--Chili Pepper Inst.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=19.08px]Paquime--My Saved Seeds[/SIZE]
[SIZE=19.08px]Zapotec--Jim Duffy[/SIZE]
I have another instance where a major seed dealer screwed up packing their seeds. I had found a new pack(unopened) of Biker Billy Jalapeno seeds from Burpee that I had purchased before my move(2018). I planted some of these seeds and now the plants are producing fruit..............just not jalapenos.
They look pretty much like Cherry Bombs, and that's fine as they are in my favorites list plus I had planted some Biker Billys from my saved seed.
This was a plant that looked kind of sickly last fall so it became one that got whacked down to near nothing. As I'm finishing with recycling the soil from last years containers I noticed this one had decent growth. I figure if it can grow with absolutely no maintenance or watering for 5 months it should be worth seeing if it will grow out decent again. Just one little detail, I have no idea what type of pepper plant this is as the tag got pulled when it was whacked. As always, we shall see!
Pepper Pod Porn Extravaganza
Stuff Enuff Hybrid Bell

Beaver Dam

Suhuaro Big Chili

Antep Aci Dolma

Numex Big Jim

Big Bomb

Chichimeca Jalapeno

Jalafuego Jalapeno

Paquime Jalapeno

Emerald Fire Jalapeno

Mucho Nacho Jalapeno
Here's the largest of the Brainstrain plants.

And the first pod on above plant.

Here's a Lubber that was on one of the pumpkin leaves. Doesn't look too menacing at 1 1/2 inch long but when they get 5 inces or more they can decimate a large plant in a day.