• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

SKULLBIKERS Fun with peppers in 2021 GLOG

And so it begins, another year of growing some peppers. This will be a sort of continuation of last year
as several of those plants are still going(and many got whacked and ended up on the burn pile). 
Anyway, I have 3 trays of peppers sown and many have germinated already(mostly annums). I wanted to compare several different jalapeños for taste in real time. This tray is all jalapeños, ten types from 7 different vendors. The seeds in block 3 are from 2014.

Another tray with annums at each end and mostly rocotos in the middle(and they're taking their sweet time).

I had very similar results with the SRP and
Brainstrain when I last grew them. The SRP
pods up really early, and the Yellow BS was
the biggest beast of the season, throwing
great pods.
Looks like you are running on high octane
this season, buddy.
PaulG said:
I had very similar results with the SRP and Brainstrain when I last grew them. The SRP pods up really early, and the Yellow BS was the biggest beast of the season, throwing great pods.
Looks like you are running on high octane this season, buddy.
This will be my first serious endeavor with the Sugar Rush Peach. I started one last fall but the mites took care of it. I grew the Brainstrains several years i a row quite a few rears back and I'm wondering if the pheno will have changed. 
skullbiker said:
This will be my first serious endeavor with the Sugar Rush Peach. I started one last fall but the mites took care of it. I grew the Brainstrains several years i a row quite a few rears back and I'm wondering if the pheno will have changed. 
I sacrificed my Sugar Rush Peach backup plant yesterday. It became infested by all kinds of vermin - mites, flies, aphids - in a matter of days. I took a bite of the pepper it carried and my taste buds absolutely approved of it. Still too early for me to make a final judgement (non-mature pepper on a stressed plant). First time I'm growing SRP...
ahayastani said:
I sacrificed my Sugar Rush Peach backup plant yesterday. It became infested by all kinds of vermin - mites, flies, aphids - in a matter of days. I took a bite of the pepper it carried and my taste buds absolutely approved of it. Still too early for me to make a final judgement (non-mature pepper on a stressed plant). First time I'm growing SRP...
I'm hoping that the taste of the pods off of these plants is better than the nearly ripe pods I got off of that last plant, no heat to speak of and not particularly sweet or flavorful.
skullbiker said:
I'm hoping that the taste of the pods off of these plants is better than the nearly ripe pods I got off of that last plant, no heat to speak of and not particularly sweet or flavorful.
My taste buds reported a fruit with low heat and great flavour. It was also the sweetest pepper ever tasted (raw). I got my seeds my from Chris Fowler directly.
skullbiker said:
 I grew the Brainstrains several years i a row quite a few rears back and I'm wondering if the pheno will have changed. 
This is the phenotype my YBS produced in 2019.
Really tight flower corollas produced awesome
pinched pods.
More here. And here.
skullbiker said:
I'm hoping that the taste of the pods off of these plants is better than the nearly ripe pods I got off of that last plant, no heat to speak of and not particularly sweet or flavorful.
The SRP I grew last year was super sweet 
with a mild heat. The SR Cream was even
sweeter tasting. Almost like candy. For real.
Hope you have better luck this season.
A couple of current state of the pepper pics.
Numex Big Jim stretching out a bit.

The "Not Biker Billys" are looking very good as Cherry Bombs!

The Chichimeca are looking good and corking.

Emerald Fire Jalapenos looking good.

The Paquime Hybrid Jalapenos are all over the place as far as size and shape but I expected that when I saved the seeds. Here is a nice big one.

Now is just the wait for things to go to red. 
Probably a few more pics later.
Sugar Rush Peach container. These are the ones that got gnawed down from 2 ft+ tall to 12 inches or less early on, they're doing pretty well right now.

Another Sugar Rush Peach in a 43 liter container.

Training a young rocoto to go "up" not out.

After two doses of Jungle Juice this Equidorian Sweet Rocoto is flowering profusely.