• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

SKULLBIKER'S "Whats old is new for 22 glog"

I've put this off long enough and now it's time to start "gloging".
On January 1,2022 I picked the Brainstrains again.


1423 grams this time.


And that means two more 1 1/2 pint jars for the freezer.


And they're still alive and producing.


An update on the Borg 9 plants. I always thought most plants grew out/up from mostly the tip but these both had huge growth between the original nodes. You can see the difference from the one in post# 52.



The leaves are currently...........huge!


One has some buds but I am assuming it will drop the early ones.


And, all this crap from the Live Oak trees is getting on my nerves!

Your Borg 9 is a brute! I fear he may kick your azz when he grows up! :rofl:
The PeppaPeach are coming right along. I have a few of these plants and if nothing goes wrong I think they will be one of my "go to" peppers this season. They're super good pickled and I can see using them for jellies and sauce, maybe even some powder.

Looks really good! The PeppaPeach is my favorite baccatum. The flavor is so good! and top production!
Here’s a flower on an Equadorian Sweet Rocoto plant, nice but not as nice as the Montufar.


Now I’m just waiting for “yummy time” as these PeppaPeach pods take their time ripening.


And an update on the Billy Bomb “don’t pinch the buds” test. I am also waiting impatiently for these to ripen. The plant is about 28 inches tall now. If I had pinched off the first buds I wouldn’t be this close to knawing on the first ripe pods!


The Jalapenos and bell peppers, etc are all beginning to make pods now, I’ll get some pics soon.
I planted my SRP Stripey in a 35L container this year. My standard grow bags are about 15-20L and my SRP last year screamed for more.

I'm going to put this single in the 18 gal container that it is sitting in. Last year I had (3) of them in a 25 gallon container and they did quite well, this year I will do the same. I also had two of these single in 10 gallon containers and they didn't do as well.
I sure wish I knew what kind of rocoto this is for sure. (I don't know why it never had an I.D. tag in the pot) It was one started late last season and started out as a runt. I had stuck it in a back corner of the screen porch and kind of forgot about it other than an occasional splash of water. A few months went by and the next thing I know it's a spindly 3 foot tall plant with no side branches. I potted it up in a large container and it now has this ONE pod on it!
Pardon the gardeners hand!
