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Sky's 2010 season.

Bought some coco coir, ended up starting 21 little drinking cups worth of seeds today.

Of the 21 pictured here, 8 of them are chocolate habs, a few varieties of 7 Pot, some bhuts, basically the most flavorful strains I have.

The coco was a bit tricky to find the right amount of water to use so my seeds weren't swimming in a cup full of what looks like coffee ground soup, but I finally figured out what's gonna work for me.

Temps are a bit lower than most people go for, it's at around 70 degrees F. I'm looking at getting a heat mat to bring that up but we'll see how this batch turns out.

Still have a few more different plants I need to get started, this is a bit of a serious effort/test to see how it goes run.

Once I get everything started that I'm aiming for, I'll post the names and numbers.

Oh, and I also have a Texas Chiltepin and a yellow/orange Manzano that are doing fairly well in the aerogarden. Not gonna use it for a ton of seeds like I did last year, I'm currently using the other slots in it for growing some herbs and some stevia.
Looking like a good start, I also used coco to start this year and had a couple problems, but I think it is more cause of temp in my garage then the coco's fault. Good luck with the season Sky.
Thanks, this will be my first year growing the majority of my stuff from seeds. I'll take all the good luck I can get. Most of the time I just bought the orange habs from the box stores and from Jack Bell, last year I bought from cross country, so I'm in sort of uncharted waters here.
Looks like a great start. I have never used coco, so I afraid I can't offer any suggestions. I hope they all grow into great pod producing beasts.
Added a few more seeds to the running total. 33 little cups worth of goodness so far.
The list as of today:

8x Chocolate Habanero
5x 7 Pot Yellow THSC
2x 7 Pot Jonah
2x 7 Pot Barrackpore
3x Fatalii
2x Bhut Jolokia
2x Yellow Scorpion CARDI
2x Habanero Red Savina
1x Habanero Caribbean Red
1x Habanero Antillais Caribbean
2x Devil's Tongue Yellow
1x Scotch Bonnet Chocolate
2x Manzano Yellow/Orange

These totals will change, in numbers and varieties, as the days go by. I have seeds I traded for that still need to go in, and some I don't want to start for a few weeks.

I'm also keeping some seeds in reserve as an emergency fallback in case what I have in now goes tits up.

Couldn't find anywhere local that sells seed starting heat mats. Tomorrow I think I'm going to check out some pet stores to see if any of the reptile heating accessories can be used. Yeah, I could mail order one, but I'm trying to keep the money being spent as local as I possibly can.
Alright Diver! Looking good man. Can't wait to see what else you're going to start as you've got a wicked list already.

One of the cheapest heat mats out there are the little four watt hermit crab heat mats. One of the better things about them is they're safe to use on some plastics. I usually buy them online but best of luck to you finding them local.
Bought a 5w reptile heat mat, temp in my enclosure now holding steady at 78 degrees F.
I'm hoping this will be enough.

Also: Chucked the flower seeds I put in the aerogarden so I could use those spots for peppers.
May be a pain getting them to harden off going from water to soil, but with a near 100% success rate with germinating, I can live with the extra work.
The manzano and black pearl I started earlier are already sprouted and around 1" tall, stevia is kinda smallish.
Started today in it:
7-Pot Yellow~THSC
Bhut Jolokia~rds
Habanero Red Savina~Lavish

Found a nice spreadsheet maker in google docs, so I'll be able to keep better track of everything this year.
I really dig how this is a pretty much constant learning process. The rewards for the effort aren't bad, either.
Lost power for 24 hours here near Pittsburgh due to the monstrous snowstorm we had, my poor seeds were stuck overnight with temps of 46 degrees F, I thought for sure that it would be a total loss, but a day or two later and things are sprouting nicely.
I'll update pics later, this is the first internet I've had since that day, trying to juggle email and stuff to catch up on what I missed.

Baby THSC Yellow 7 Pots

Baby "Jonah" 7 Pots

Baby Red Savina Habs

Baby Fatalii

Baby Yellow/Orange Manzano

Baby Black Pearl

Those two were started a few weeks ago in the aerogarden, trying to see how they do with moving them to plastic drinking cups with some potting soil much sooner than I did last year with the yellow scotch bonnets, hopefully they'll do better.

Edit for:
I also have a ton of chocolate habs coming up (yay), I'll try and snap some pics of those tomorrow or something.

I also hit everything with 1/4 strength fertilizer.
My question: when do you coco coir veterans transplant from the media to soil?
Sounds like things are going well diver.

I'm starting to repot things now, I use the coco coir for starting seeds, and I'm changing to the Pro Mix BX stuff. I do it when I have a couple sets of true leaves or I can see a few roots in the cup.

Keep up the great work.
methinks I see a Barrackpore poking through, should be able to see it tomorrow. woot.
Now the only ones I'm waiting on are 1 strain of red savina, the yellow scorpion, and the bhuts I grew last year, other than that I'm having nearly perfect results with my Frankengrow setup.
It's almost as ugly as I am, but it gets the job done.


Plus I still have some varieties to go (aji lemon, datil, stuff I wanted to wait on).

Baby Antillais Caribbean

Baby Barrackpore. Couldn't see it yesterday, today not even a hook but a happy lil' baby. I think they're liking the 1/4 strength fish ferts I'm using on them.

Having much better results than I thought I would and I still have some more varieties to start and tons more room inside Frankengrow to start them.
I think I see one of the yellow scorpion CARDI seeds pushing up. Should be visible tomorrow.
So that makes all varieties (but not all seeds of each variety) germinated that I've started so far.
Good times.
15FEB10 Update

Overall progressing well. Good germination rates in Frankengrow. Only a few holdovers yet, one strain of bhut and a chocolate scotch bonnet, but I'm more than happy with the results so far.

Another red savina beginning to show through the coco. Really excited about the red savs. Can't wait to eat one.

Another Barrackpore showing it's lovely little green head.

7 Pot Jonahs are getting big. Time to start thinking about transplanting? Clipping cotyledons?
Started 3 Naga Morich seeds in coco coir, many thanks jjs7741, you rock.
Should be time to transplant a few of my bigger kids to larger cups with some soil, probably gonna start the rest of the varieties here in a few days.
Haven't had much trouble with legginess yet but I still want to cut a 2x4 into short lengths and prop up the styrofoam pile I have the cups resting on to get things closer to the lights just to be on the safe side.

Edit for:
Google docs has a fairly nice spreadsheet in it, never realized how helpful those things could be for keeping track of what's what. Thanks AJ for the idea, you're the man.
Not the most professional spreadsheet, but it does what I want. Practice will hopefully make more perfect.