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Sky's 2010 season.

Frankengrow Redux Phase 1

Finally got around to increasing the space inside the formerly cramped Frankengrow.

Had extra foam insulation sheeting so I decided to build a little house type thing.

Fairly straightforward box.

Booyah. Tons of room in there for all my peppers and my heat mat and everything. Even had enough room to give a wide berth between my little cups with peppers in them and my little cups with stuff like tomatoes and some lavender and hopefully soon some weird type of bean. Haven't decided on a variety yet.

The "roof". Covered it with blankets to keep more heat in after the pic was taken.

It's not finished. There's a lot of room between the plants and the lights. Still need to monitor temps inside it and see how well it's keeping my babies warm.
Frankengrow Redux Phase 2 will be to build a platform to lift everything up to an appropriate level so my babies don't get too leggy.
Already running out of room in Frankengrow Redux d/t finally repotting up the ones I couldn't before d/t lack of space. Hopefully I'm on the downslope of needing more room.
AJ and people similar who grow vast quantities have earned mad respect from me lately for being able to handle peppers in such numbers.
Also added 6 Burpee Supersteak Hybrids for the garden, will probably only keep 1 maybe 2 and give the rest away. Started 1 cowpea or field pea seed to see how it does, read up on it and it seems very tolerant to poor soil and shade, there's a few areas of my yard that I'd like to try this out and maybe squeeze another crop from my yard.
Green beans will be started later.

I'll see about editing this post after a bit with numbers, just taking a break for now.

yeah, thought I would have more room but it does tend to get used up fast.

Noob's corner. These are the ones I repotted today. The smallish ones there were in the aerogarden, decided to just go ahead and repot now. The Black Pearl I started in it is doing exceptionally well, hopefully these will, too.

Got my fingers crossed for this poor wee one. Toes, too. I was repotting a Barrackpore and this guy was hiding beneath the bigger one. Managed to oh-so-carefully separate the roots of the two plants (f--k yeah coco) and put this guy in some potting soil to hopefully save him.

Things proceed apace, still waiting on my second-wave seeds to show; datils, aji lemon, etc.

Edit again for repot totals:

Yellow/Orange Manzano: 3
Habanero Chocolate: 7
Habanero Red Savina: 4
Antillais Caribbean: 1
Caribbean Red: 1
Black Pearl: 1
7 Pot Jonah: 2
7 Pot Yellow: 3
7 Pot Barrackpore: 2
Bhut Jolokia: 2
Fatalii: 3
Devil's Tongue Yellow: 1
Yellow Scorpion CARDI: 2
Temps have dropped a few degrees inside of Frankengrow, probably d/t the bigger space. Will have to insulate better.
Have a few seeds I planted on 22FEB that haven't sprouted yet:
Aji Lemon
1 Naga Morich
Devil's Tongue Red
Trinidad Scorpion (but I'm not sweating this one, if it grows it grows)
Texas Chiltepin
Chocolate Scotch Bonnet.

Figure I'm gonna give them a little while longer then see about starting some backups in the Aerogarden just to make sure that I have some growing. Probably too soon to worry.
In the meantime, I've put those cups directly on the heat mat. It's not hot enough to hurt them, and the extra heat may be the kick in the ass they need to show their lovely little heads.
All of my Roma tomato seeds have now sprouted up nicely. 1 Lavender up, 1 still needs to show but like the trinidad scorp, I'm not sweating this one. I'll try again later when it's warmer.
Hey there Sky brother!

Looks like your babies are about the same size as mine so far.

hope you have a good growing season!
Some leaves getting a little bit yellow, hit them with a spritz of extremely diluted (maybe half a teaspoon per gallon) epsom salt spray.
AJ, adding a bit of cornmeal to my cups seems to be working very well for the green ick I had in a few of my cups. Thanks for that, would have never known about that trick.

Edit for:

My accidental Barrackpore seems to be holding it's own and maybe getting a little perkier. Fingers still crossed.
jjs7741 said:
Yes it will, but it makes a damn good sauce so they won't go to waste.:lol:

Yep and a mighty fine powder for kickin all things up a notch that would make Emeril jealous, but you can only eat so much in a year.
Silver_Surfer said:
Lookin good SD. How many Nagas do you plan on starting. Those boys will bury you in pods.

Looking at 3 nagas atm. If they have a similar taste to the bhut and produce bigger yields, I'll probably switch to all nagas.
We'll just have to wait and see and eat a whole pod from each plant for comparison purposes :hell:

As to being buried in pods, I have a pressure cooker, buttloads of canning jars, and a desire for gobs of concentrate.

Plus, after losing power in my beer fridge last year d/t the f'ing plug popping out of the socket (it's old and a piece of crap) and losing a huge percentage of my overall crop, there's a new freezer downstairs that's currently full of venison that I hope to fill up with pods and make a huge batch. I have plenty of space to store whatever I don't eat fresh.
Getting some really nice sunlight here, so I've started moving a few peppers out of Frankengrow and into the light. I hope they're enjoying the attention they're getting.
I had to laugh diver when you posted tons of room on March 1st then the next day you post already running out of room. Don't you love growing peppers?

Looks like you've got a great start, looking forward to seeing how the rest of your year goes. Best of luck to you bro.
It's easy to run out of room that's for sure. My original plan was for about 50 plants and about 20 or so varieties. Well, now I have closer to 80 varieties with 2 plants for some of them and don't know where I will put them all. Oh well, who needs grass anyways.:lol:

patrick said:
I had to laugh diver when you posted tons of room on March 1st then the next day you post already running out of room. Don't you love growing peppers?

Looks like you've got a great start, looking forward to seeing how the rest of your year goes. Best of luck to you bro.

Heh, yeah, ran out fast after going on a repotting spree. Plus, adding stuff like tomatoes, beans, lavender, etc really pushes things.
On the plus side, I just replaced the curtains in my bedroom. The old ones were thick and heavy and kept a lot of light out of my room, but I went to a more normal version. The old curtains are now blankets for Frankengrow.
Skydiver said:
Getting some really nice sunlight here, so I've started moving a few peppers out of Frankengrow and into the light. I hope they're enjoying the attention they're getting.

Same here, temps got up to 68 today, so they're out on the back porch catching some rays. :cool:
Well, that seems to be a sorta "thumbs-up" endorsement- big ups! Me too! Love me some coco!

Good lookin' plants. Have a good season! Keep that pellet gun ready!

Note to self: in the future, make drainage holes before repotting.

Anyhoo, things are still going well. Trying to rotate what plants I have sitting on my windowsill so that they all get some natural light.
Good bottom watering today followed up by a foliar spray with a mixture of miracle grow/epsom salts/fish fert. 1/4th strength, maybe a touch more.

Finally getting into my rhythm with Frankengrow. Knowing when to water, when to spritz with that stankass mixture, etc. I'm enjoying the challenge of growing from seed rather than just buying plants and plopping them in the ground.