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Sky's 2010 season.

Very nice looking plants and pods.
The Joloro pods will ripen to red if you leave them, and yours looks much better than mine this year
Your plants are looking great Skydiver and you must be happy with them pumping out so many pods. The Antillais is looking very busy.

Front raised bed. Lot of stuff in a smaller than it should be area, but things are growing well, so I'm not gonna muck around with it.
1-An unknown leftover pepper I stuck in there cause I couldn't let it die. I think it's a Datil but I'm not sure.
2-Yellow/Orange Manzano
3-7 Pot Jonah
4-Supersteak Hybrid tomato. Planted it for shade. And for tomatoes.
5-Yellow/Orange Manzano
6-Roma tomato hiding behind the peppers. Bit of a slow grower but it's got flowers on it and growing nicely.
7-Chocolate Hab. Loads of pods. Happy as a clam, I am.
8-Yellow/Orange Manzano.
9-Hiding behind number 8, another unknown pepper that I couldn't let die, so I planted it with everything else. Growing fine, late in the ground so has some catching up to do. No clue what it is.


The manzanos are doing well, not a ton of pods, but not lacking.

Potted plants that got messed up during that Hellstorm of rain the other day are recovering nicely. All of my tomato plants were blown over, but they're doing fine. I tied them up properly this time. The Better Boy Hybrid is still a frakkin monster. I'm going to trim it again. The fatalii on one side of it is doing well, but the Yellow Scorpion CARDI on the other is (again, for like the fourth time so far) almost completely enveloped. That tomato took the idea of shade and ran with it. A bit too far, tbh.
Starting to see some pods ripening. Hooray!

7 Pot Yellow

Antillais Caribbean (I know, shape is a bit suss, but it's a healthy plant with tons of pods, and I'm more than happy with it, whatever it is)

My Bhut is getting some nice sized pods on it, too.

Finally, my Better Boy Hybrid tomato.

This plant does not want to be tied to one stake or two, so I decided to rig a bar over the top of the entire bed and tied the branches to the bar. It has more room and the poor Yellow Scorpion CARDI it kept enveloping is getting more sunshine.
Seriously, this is a terrible candidate if you want a tomato plant to shade a pepper plant. It's too frakkin big and too aggressive. I've probably trimmed off an amount that would easily equal 5 or 6 entire tomato plants from it already.
There are tomatoes all over it, some of them really big.
If the fruit tastes good, I'm probably going to plant a few of them by themselves next year. Would have tons of fruit for sauces and salsa.
It's a monster.
It has begun!

Antillais Caribbeans.

Yellow 7 Pot

Also seeing my first wee Devil's Tongue Yellow pods

Didn't get a whole lot of these last year so it's almost like growing them for the first time all over again.
Don't see too many grow the Devil's Tongue. Well, atleast I don't hear about it. Either way plants look great.

Well, last year I grew both the Yellow and the Red Devil's Tongue. The reds did much better, but the pods, while large, were a bit bland. I'm hoping to reverse that this year with tons of yellows and not a lot of the reds. I'm only growing the red this year as an experiment to try and cross breed it. Super huge peppers and tons of them, if I can keep the good about it and bump the flavor up with a different variety, I'll be one happy camper.
My red is starting to develop some flowers finally (started it much later than anything else, more of an afterthought), so hopefully I'll be able to play mad scientist soon.
First small harvest woot.

Antillais Caribbeans. Look a bit suss but I love the plant all the same.

PK Paul's Purple Indian

Yellow 7 Pot

Yes, vids will be incoming.
Looking good from this side of the state :lol: If you seed harvset any of the manzanos let me know! They are something I am looking at for next year...
The year of weird...
My aribibi gusano isn't an aribibi gusano, at this point it's looking more like a giant marconi.

Then, today, after I watered and was tying up stuff(tomato plants still going nuts), I saw this:

Supposedly a 7 Pot Jonah. It's yellow. I don't know if it will ripen to red but I don't think so. As of now, because I'm an unoriginal bastard, I'm going to name this the "NOT Jonah 7 Pot"

A pic of the rest of the pods for comparison. All fairly uniform in shape and size.

Now here are my Yellow 7 Pots.

Bumpy, gnarly looking, more of a tail showing on the pods.
(btw, that's a supersteak hybrid tomato in the pic, planted it for shade for my peppers, it's getting almost as big as my better boy hybrid)

Another closeup shot of the 7ellow 7 Pots.

I have no clue what the NOT Jonah 7 Pot is going to end up as, but it looks delicious and I'm happy with it just like it is.

Looking good from this side of the state :lol: If you seed harvset any of the manzanos let me know! They are something I am looking at for next year...
Send me a pm later in the year, shouldn't be a problem.

Edited the pics into thumbs.
Things getting going even better now.

More and more of the Antillais Caribbean-ish pods are ripening up. They're pretty tasty, pretty hot, I'm digging this plant.

My NOT 7 Pot Jonah is also starting to ripen up more and more pods.

An inside shot of a few of them I sliced in half. Not sure how well it shows but these things are pretty well loaded with oil droplets inside.

Those two plants and my cross pollinated chocolate habs, I understand what Hybrid Vigor means now. Those three varieties are absolutely dripping with pods.

I've decided to call these my Cherry Chocolate Habaneros.
I'm fairly sure that they crossed with a Red Devil's Tongue (naughty little pods, imo). Size is a bit bigger than what I remember for a pure choccy. Shape reminds me strongly of the RDT, and the taste has been somewhat dampened, both of which make me think that that's where the alien DNA came from.

Yellow 7 Pot

I tasted a small slice from these. No placenta, no rib, just a slice from the side, I was thinking that I could avoid some of the burnination so I could taste the actual pepper.
Wrong, friend-o. A piece, maybe 3cm long by about half a cm wide, had me crying. I chugged almost a half gallon of milk, started hitting the cheese and yogurt and honey, took about 30 minutes or so before I became convinced that I hadn't accidentally put some hydrochloric acid and hot embers in my mouth.

Granted, I've been avoiding most hot stuff through the winter and until now, I wanted to lose my heat tolerance.

Jaloro. I really wanted to wait for these to ripen a bit more but the plant is smallish and has a ton of pods on it. Hopefully it will be worth it.
The pods are tasty at this stage, already, so it's not like they're going to waste or anything.

Took this pic of my bhuts a few days ago. These, at least, seem to be growing true. Most of the pods on the plant are around 4 to 5 inches long, bumpy as hell, really really gnarly looking. Couldn't be happier.

Hmm, one image left.
I know! Tomato pr0nz!

Better Boy Hybrid.
The plant itself is still as large as three normal plants. Tons and tons of fruit on it. Thing is, me and the Momster don't like fresh tomatoes, gotta cook them into something before we eat them, so I have no idea what they taste like. I think I'll take one to some family members that like this sort of stuff and use them as guinea pigs.

Edit for: Oh, and now there are empty tea bags all over the place on my first year stuff that I know will grow true. Surprises are nice and all, but I really wanted to make a Chocolate Habanero Concentrate this year. That plan is shot to hell but lesson learned.

Another thing, I have had a bunch of Super Chilis ripen, but no pics because they get eaten too fast. Those things are awesome.
Beautiful work SD!

A 5 inch Bhut is wicked!!! Would like to get a few of those seeds if you have some to spare. :)

Grow some heirloom maters next year and I think you'll change your mind about fresh maters. ;)