Leaf porn, you say? We can do that, too.
My Douglah is finally ramping up, getting big leaves, really growing like it should.
This is supposed to be an Aribibi Gusano. I grew it from seeds harvested from a plant purchased last year from Cross Country Nurseries.
This plant looks almost entirely different.
Leaves last year were small and thin, this year I have massive leaves.
Last year it was bushy and compact, this year it's got a long stem and is shaped differently.
I don't know if this is a cross/mutant/whatever, but if I traded some of these seeds to you this season and it doesn't grow true, I apologize.
One of my Datil plants said "to heck with it, I'm doing what I want."
Double stem, and one of the leaves doubled, so it's now officially my Double-Double Datil.