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Sky's 2010 season.

I find it more rewarding growing plants from seed but sometimes it can be a bit of frustrating. I find hardening off to be the biggest headache. I usually end up with a few scorched leaves.
That is usually where I have some trouble as well. Well, that and my wife likes to go on vacation around the time I need to start prepping the soil.



Yay sunshine. Looking at the long range forecasts is making me get a bit antsy to start getting the soil in my garden ready for these guys.

Pretty decent stem on the manzanos, they seem to be doing the best as far as growth goes.

...but this guy isn't far behind...

Antillais Caribbean. Of all my chinense varieties, this one is hands down doing the best.

Kinda bumpy/wrinkly chocolate hab. I dunno if this is too much ferts or not enough. It doesn't seem to be in any danger, but still, I'd like to see nice smooth leaves.

Black Pearl center, looking pretty good.
Plant on the left is a yellow 7 Pot, leaves are a bit yellowish. I gave everything a foliar spray yesterday of miracle grow/epsom salts/fish ferts.
What do you guys think is causing this? Too much or too little?
09MAR10 cont.

The Barrackpore that I salvaged is holding it's own and doing fairly well. This is a bonus plant as I didn't know I put two seeds in the initial cup of coco.

Getting true leaves on my naga morich plants. woot.

Datil Seedling. First of them to show up. Can't wait to eat one of these lil' beauties.

Chocolate Scotch Bonnet. Another one I'm geeked to try. Even though I only had chocolate habaneros last year, I just know that I'm going to turn into a chocolate pepper slut this year.
09MAR10 cont.

I have absolutely no idea if these will turn on the growth again, I hope so. They would be my secret weapons.
My overwintered Bhut and Trinidad Scorpion. I had them in the basement, gave them water sparingly, but didn't pull them up and cut the root ball down. Basically just trimmed them, put them in the basement, and tried not to frak with them too much.
I'm not counting on them, so if they don't make it, I won't be disappointed. If they do, however, it will be a nice bonus.

Bhut Jolokia.

Trinidad Scorpion.
Skydiver said:
I have absolutely no idea if these will turn on the growth again, I hope so. They would be my secret weapons.
My overwintered Bhut and Trinidad Scorpion. I had them in the basement, gave them water sparingly, but didn't pull them up and cut the root ball down. Basically just trimmed them, put them in the basement, and tried not to frak with them too much.
I'm not counting on them, so if they don't make it, I won't be disappointed. If they do, however, it will be a nice bonus

Dude, Like MrArboc said they will explode with new growth. I brought my scropion up from the basement two weeks ago and started to increase the water and fertilizer and it is going crazy new growth. You should get bigger yields than last year with a second year plant..
By the way the plants look great and enjoying the sun.

Plants look great. Weather has been beautiful here as well and will be for the 10 day forecast. Feels like planting time, but I know it is just a matter of time before the temps drop again.

I think it's time to downsize Frankengrow back to previous.
Most of my plants (crosses fingers)(crosses toes, too)(crosses that other thing just to be sure) are to the point where I think I'm going to keep them in my room and just use natural sunlight for them.
Downsizing Frankegrow will let me bump the heat back up to 80 and use it to finish germinating at a proper temp.

and it's done.

Frankengrow the Third, or Frankengrow the Turd, is downsized. Should be nice and toasty and big enough for the remaining stuff.
patrick said:
That's a pretty tough decision you're making there diver.;)

Things are looking good man.

Nah, easy peasy lemon squeezey.

It's warm enough in my room, better airflow on them, and I won't have to lug 30 Solo cups full of plant up two floors and down again each day. Getting lots of light on the windowsill and I have plenty of room on a dresser to move them away from it at night so they don't get cold (yeah, energy conservation drafty windows blah blah).

plus...and this is the diabolical part...that means that all these plants won't be taking up space in there any more, so that's more room for more seeds/seedlings


Aji Lemon, Datil, and even though I had no plans on growing one from seeds, the trinidad scorpion seeds have all sprouted.

2 varieties to go and then I'm done with pepper seeds and will focus more on other stuff like beans and tomatoes and such.
patrick said:
So what's the total on peppers 'diver and how you liking this starting from seed thing?

As it stands now:

Chocolate Hab-7
Bhut Jolokia-2
Red Savina-4
Caribbean Red-3
Antillais Caribbean-1
Black Pearl-1
Devil's Tongue Yellow-3
Devil's Tongue Red-1
Aji Lemon-2
Chocolate Scotch Bonnet-1
Trinidad Scorpion-1
7 Pot Yellow-4
7 Pot Jonah-2
7 Pot Barrackpore-3
Yellow Scorpion CARDI-4
Manzano Yellow/Orange-4
Naga Morich-3
Tequila Sunrise-1 (no clue, seeds bought from Home Depot or something, no idea what they're like aside from orange)

I'll probably end up giving one or two away depending on how much room I have.

Still waiting on some seeds to germinate:
Datil-4 (2 in coco, 2 in aerogarden)
Aji Lemon-2 (1 each coco and aero)
Texas Chiltepin-2(as above)
Burpee Carnival Mix-3 (some kinda mix of various color sweet bell types)(all in coco)
Douglah-6(5 in coco, 1 in aero)

As to growing from seeds, I love it and can't imagine going back to buying the bulk of my crop from stores any more. Not saying I won't buy a plant here or there, I'd like another Giant Marconi this year, maybe a chocolate bell and a jalapeno, but I'm hooked on seeds now.
Alas, Frankengrow is dead. Long live Frankengrow.

On the plus side, I now have one of those Jiffy mini heated greenhouse things. Tons of spots in it, heating mat, well fitting everything, I've put some seeds in it, of course, and also some flower seeds.
Tomorrow I'm thinking more tomatoes, and eventually beans.
Sure, it's not homemade, but it will be better, and that's all that counts.
Finally got the last of my plants separated.
Next year, no matter how much I want to, I will not put more than one seed per cup of coco no matter how much I may want to. Separating roots was an unnecessary pain in me bum.
Good sunshine today in da Burgh, got everything outside getting some sun now that the temps have crept back up a bit again.
I'll try and snag some pics here in a bit.
24MAR Megaupdate

Haven't posted any pics lately, so time to catch up.

Yellow/Orange Manzanos

Yellow Scorpion CARDI

Red Savinas
