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Smasehd for life

no bail bondsman, ambulance, or tow truck. Yeah, boring night.

I have gone back to bartending. :lol: Kinda like putting Hitler in charge of the Jews... (no offense meant to any Jewish people)
Sorry my buds, I'm a workin stiff, er, I'm stiff from working... not the good kind either....
There's always Friday and Saturday night.... ALWAYS!
I gotta go make Philly's...
Not me, I'm drankin'. Scovie, you still eating that Prime Rib? I think you need a drinky poo or three to go with it.
DAMMIT! I was really hoping to have most of the winter off, and drink with ya'll for all of it.
5 new emails today and yesterday. All big jobs, all want done soon.
So I'm working on Proposals, Draws, and Invoices, Materials lists grout colors, and ONE major buzz kill.
I ain't complaining, and it sure as shit won't get in the way of my weekend shinannigans!
You guys should be kickin my ass out of here for talking like this in here.

:runs out the door:
That's it! I want five shots of bourbon on video or pic as penance. Get me CJ. I need to talk to her. I don't even know who you are anymore.
She's in the Bubble bath contemplating her pizza, with a big ol glass a wine. I'm out here slaving like a dawg to keep our cats in kibbles, (and her in wine). LOL!!!!!
You'll get the 5 shots my man, video? I'll try, until I get pissed... remember my Avatar incident? Ha! Keep drankin Jay, keep this place sideways.
I was so sideways earlier I woke up and thought it was 7:30am and it was 7:30pm. Heather said you know its Thursday night right? Umm yeah. (I was up since 1am and took a drunken nap at 2pm.)
Throw in a couple microwave hot dogs, and a can of chili.... P E R F E C T D A Y.

I seriously have got to go polish off this PR. pics, maybe.
hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im rebounding and im cracking open a beer. too much vodka,babay! i have about 3 more hours in me,and hopefully i fal into a deep slumber :confused:
This work $**T is F*****G with my world¡¡¡!!!¡¡!!¡!¡!¡¡!!¡¡¡!!!
thats bull!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....work sucks,hahahahahahahahahahaha................. oh shit i have work to do tomorrow,,scov look at my last picv i posted. on this thread,lol.
scov look at my last picv i posted. on this thread,lol.

HAHAHAHAHAA 2 of you look like a lot of fun LOL, and one of you looks like how I feel. LOL Glad to see you posting pics sicman.

I have to work tomorrow too. Suck it up. Everything goes better with bourbon. Now get to it!
You're going back to work on a Friday?!?! That seriously blows. Tomorrow is grout day, and you know our rule!

edit: hey look! my first "multi quote"
scov is missing ,,,,,,,,,,maybe me and jay t will come work for you so you can witness working and drinking

haha i think rodge is looking like you fel?,lol
o.k. my boys came back by last night on there way out of florida: Round 2.

even Olga (the lab) looked like she was ending a bender