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Smasehd for life

what you eating? ladysic is cooking chicken ,ill post it later we allready took first pic!!!!!!! where is scov,work???? or passed out? ill vote for the second
I'm...uh,was..eating a rather disgusting spring roll from the deli of our grocery store. A counter full of bags with all sorts of delicious ingredients and i'm choking down this nastiness...bleh! But I was starving so...

Scovie got caught up in some tv show...Flying Wild Alaska, but I think it's almost over. I expect to hear the clinking of tiny ice cubes any minute now!!!!!

I think I have coerced him into making ribs tonight!!!! YEAH!!! I'll make smack-n-cheez! Queso style if I can....
ha,i seen there was a marathon of that show on today . tell scov i watched the episode where they were deliviring a cake to some kid. i love ribs one of my favorite... im sure i misspell everything :banghead:
mmmma chips n pineappplllle 7-pot salsa and mex food, sanngrias, 2 nite um.
You know, when you can't really feel you fingers on the keyboard, you're kind a driunktf. Mebee. I CAN'T FEE MY FINGERS!!!!

And does it crack you up, when you tmake spaghhettii sauce whewn you're drunkft, and you try to get the olive slices out of the jar, and the lat one keeps slippign off the forkkk/sponnn/whatefer, back into the olive juice??? I still can't feel fmy fingergsrs.

Okay. Let me try that again. Seriously. I type EVERY DAMN DAY, almost ALL DAY, code, or some shit like that. I can usually type without thinking about it. I don't have to look at the keys. DAMMIT. I can type 130+ WPM. Well, I could, the last time I was timed, which was god knows how many years ago. So how long do you think it took me to type THIS paragraph, correcting typos all the way through it???????? Much f'ing longer than it should have..........
Okay - so here's the plan. Well, this is hwat what wrokred kk. Reallyh. Put hte spaghetti in a bowl. Put hte bownl on a toss pillow. Put your face over the bowl on the toss pillow, with theo whole thing on your lap. Eat. Crapt aht acan't go in the mouth goes gabak in the bowld. Gddooodd. Workedkkk.

do you know how ahrd it is to log back into your computer when you can't feel you rf ingers?

or hit a link?

I should turn my avy upside downo r dside ways, but I don't ehitnk I can.
it's okay - my son gput away the leftovers . kgood thing i"m done.

so I keep trying to hit a link, and the damned thing keeps igihlighting but not linking. kWtf is wrong ???

it's boing to be hard to work out later. Typing slow so I can do this.

It's early but chat anyone?

damn, I keep hitting the rutnerun button instead of the post butotmeon.