OMG...I'm inna sh!tstorm of trouble over here! Trying to make FD's "2 ingredient" pizza dough...the Drunkin' Chef & Pizza Threads are being occupied by professionals-ishness. I just dove into the most comfortable thread I could find. I'm so sorry if I don't fit!
Holy crap... Only 2 ingredients, and I've gotten myself so deep in a quagmire of HELL! There's one thing I've never been able to conquer, in my realm of terror...and that is sticky-ass dough! I've used machines, tried utensils, mixers, etc. But the end result is never 'awesome'. I once watched HabeneroHeat mix pizza dö with a fork, and cook that shiz over a campfire, and have it puff up into ambrosia! But not mine! haha I toss lightly, adding flour "as needed"....PHOOEY! By the time I can stand kneading it anymore, itsa brick of 'as needed flour'.
I've not given up. What I plopped into the "lightly greased" bowl, is still "proofing", as they say. But my goodness, I needed 2 extra glasses of vino, just to get over my heebie-jeebies from the sticky flour dough..ishness. :gag: I know it's not the dough's's just an issue I have. I hate sticky fingers!

My pops tells stories of me running out to the ice cream truck....I'd inevitably trip, and spend all my time dusting my hands off, and miss the ice cream truck all together! And yes, I've tried using "gloves", but then the dough sticks to them, and I generally start hating life. So - fck the gloves! Someone, who likes me, just give me a way to get through the hateful bits, so I can truly enjoy these awesome pizza/dough adventures? I am trying so hard, I swear!

I've not given up on tonight's shenanigans, but now I need to find batteries for my li'l camera. fml!