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Smasehd for life

salsalady, dont know how you do it. red wine would give me a nice nod off- for about 3 hours, and then I'd be woke, until of course, the alarm went off!

well, I've had a long day and obviously did not make my RedRum punch properly for the first glass, so I think I need a refill. To quote my favorite pirate, "Where's the rum gone?"

back soon!
Celeste said:
salsalady, dont know how you do it. red wine would give me a nice nod off- for about 3 hours, and then I'd be woke, until of course, the alarm went off!

well, I've had a long day and obviously did not make my RedRum punch properly for the first glass, so I think I need a refill. To quote my favorite pirate, "Where's the rum gone?"

back soon!

Paul starts the stopwatch....
celeste, what's your rum punch recipe?

I like a simple rum and orange juice.

Our liquer store is moving to a new location tomorrow......(across the street 60 feet from present location) .............but everything was all wacked out at the store today and they didn't have our favorite rum, ronrico! Had to settle for MontegoBay as I wasn't going to pay the price for Bacardi..............plus I'd only brought $14 into the store and didn't feel like walking out to get more :P
I almost left 0.5 at the "really tiny strip mall" today. I went into the store, he was in the truck. I came out maybe 2 minutes later, he was gone, cell phone on the console, my purse with everything sitting in the middle, keys in the ignition..................

But there was a good thing a couple days ago when he missed the bus in the morning............

I think kids are all brain-dead until about 32.............
salsalady said:
I almost left 0.5 at the "really tiny strip mall" today. I went into the store, he was in the truck. I came out maybe 2 minutes later, he was gone, cell phone on the console, my purse with everything sitting in the middle, keys in the ignition..................

But there was a good thing a couple days ago when he missed the bus in the morning............

I think kids are all brain-dead until about 32.............

I agree totally!
Hey i am 29 peeps!
