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chinense So I went down to the local Supermercado and oicked up some Habaneros..........

Ive never eaten one just hab sauces so I wanted to know how bad they were and what they actually tasted like. First thing I noticed is the absolutely wonderful flavor. I cannot believe how good they taste. Second is I cannot believe how hot these things...................

really arent. They have some nice burn but nowhere near like ehat I was exepcting, agonzing pain. Now if my Scorpion plant will grow something. :mouthonfire:
CaLoR said:
Man that sucks, if you want some hab heat to tie you over till you harvest, try these out, they are pretty agonizing.

Oh dude i have to disagree with you. Mazetta habs are delicious, but don't come close to true hab heat. I ate a fresh picked hab this weekend and pickled habs do not even come close. I have Mazetta and another brand of pickled habs. It's close, but not the same.

It's possible you may have just gotten a dud hab. It happens. I ate one once so candy sweet it was boring. It didn't have any heat until i hit placenta. Even than it wasn't too bad. Keep trying. Habs rule. :)
fineexampl said:
Oh dude i have to disagree with you. Mazetta habs are delicious, but don't come close to true hab heat. I ate a fresh picked hab this weekend and pickled habs do not even come close. I have Mazetta and another brand of pickled habs. It's close, but not the same.

Ooh no, dont get me wrong, fresh off the vine blow mazzettas out of the water, but just to tie the guy over, they would do in a pinch I think.
Heh, I got these at an Albertsons...I really doubt they are pure Orange Habs..more like an Orange Scotch Bonnet or something.

They are evil..insides are nearly pure flesh..very little space.


Unlike most OH I've seen, they have under 10 seeds in an odd formation and you actually can see nice pools of capsaicin. :shocked:


They are stoopid hot too, I put 4 of these monsters in a pot of chili/stew I'm making and it's gonna be insane after the slow-cooker gets done with it. :-D

Quad I got mine like I said at a Supermercado, the enlgish deprived girl at the register pointed to the total on the screen and could only smile at me when I said thank you. Mine that I bought look very similar to those. I was commenting on how they looked alot different than the typical oranhe habs I normally see in the regular grocery store.

When I said it wasnt as hot as I expected dont let that fool you. It was hot just not as I expected. It was delicious though!!
Chiliac said:
They don't look abit less dangerous from the inside. Great pic!

Yeah, I was surprised when I first cup 'em open..eesh.
Thanks..it was a fun pic and just a bit of Photoshop. I like the effect though. :)

talas said:
Chiliac you notice Quad is teasing us with these Pics.. it ain't fair :(

Ha, ya...but you guys have fresh pods of your own and I don't yet, so :P

Necrocannibal said:
Quad I got mine like I said at a Supermercado, the enlgish deprived girl at the register pointed to the total on the screen and could only smile at me when I said thank you. Mine that I bought look very similar to those. I was commenting on how they looked alot different than the typical oranhe habs I normally see in the regular grocery store.

When I said it wasnt as hot as I expected dont let that fool you. It was hot just not as I expected. It was delicious though!!

Yeah, these were a complete serendipity deal. And, they were only $7.99/lb. The usual here for crappier habs is $8.99-9.99/lb.

I tried a slice of one today since I found a bad spot and cut it off, I figured why not...found it had a very fresh taste at first, then strong hab flavor and heat kicked in..oww.

It's not a naga, but it does pack some heat...prolly a 1-2 minute harsh burn tapering down. It's still making my cheeks and mouth smolder..really cleared my sinuses too. :D

Hey nec,,,if you want I`ll send you some next week.Got red,yellow and orange changing now and the chocs are tail end charlie.I can`t find habs here in central Virginia at the grocery store yet to save my life.I`ve been a wanting!
QuadShotz said:
Yeah, these were a complete serendipity deal. And, they were only $7.99/lb. The usual here for crappier habs is $8.99-9.99/lb.

Wow, dude theyre only like 4.99 to 5.99 a pound here
hixs said:
Hey nec,,,if you want I`ll send you some next week.Got red,yellow and orange changing now and the chocs are tail end charlie.I can`t find habs here in central Virginia at the grocery store yet to save my life.I`ve been a wanting!

Wow that would be great. Ive been trying to find someone to send me one Morich/Jolokia pod. Thats the pepper I want to try, besides the Scorpion but have already taken care of that. :cool:
Hey Nec pm me your address again and i`ll get some out next week.Any interst in serranos?I`m over ran.My super hots are a ways away still but going strong.