heat So, What is the Hottest Pepper?

talas said:
There is also the strain of each plant as it can make a hell of a of difference whatever red,yellow,Chocolate,orange 7pot/scorpion
Or bhutt/morich/assam a uk and company are patenting a shu tester so you'll be able to do it home soon and some interesting databases will be made im sure,if the tester is accurate that is:neutral:

So who is the company?
I think that answer depends on who is answering.For me eating them straight up, I would have to say the Red Savina, or red Habanero. But put it in a sauce, n then my answer is different.
After my weekend experience I am going to say that the 7 sh*ts all over the bhut......and I haven't tried the scorpian yet (but will be next season)...After the 7, the thought of the scorpian actually has me pretty scared.....I'm not joking either...I mean did you see Neil do the scorpian test...even he was having trouble.
Sauceman51 said:
I think that answer depends on who is answering.For me eating them straight up, I would have to say the Red Savina, or red Habanero. But put it in a sauce, n then my answer is different.
Ive tried a dried bih jolokia (my first year growing so none fresh yet) I have had a fresh red hab and the dried bih was a lot hotter then the hab
Tigahb8 said:
I vote for the Trinidad Scorpion, then 7 Pot, then the Bhut family,
all from first hand experience!

Ya, I found the Trinidad Scorpions sourced from you, are hotter than anything else, including the other Scorpion types I've tried.
Sickmont said:
Please. You KNOW i'm just kidding. Besides, i've had my head shaved for almost 20 years now.:lol:

HAH! Alrighty then Yul Brynner, that jalapeno comment cracked me up so I had to push your buttons.

Cheers, TB.
Ya, I found the Trinidad Scorpions sourced from you, are hotter than anything else, including the other Scorpion types I've tried.
Interesting, do you think he has some spare seeds?
For pure heat, I'd havta say the Bih Jolokia from Neil was silly hot...

But, as it's been said, the Scorpion I had was a completely diff. animal from the Nagas. Same heat=extreme level, but a super big upfront hit and more gradual tapering down. More hab-like in that regard.

Hit in different ways too..truly burned going down, felt it in my whole head, mouth and neck..but NOT so much back of throat...and thought my face was gonna fall off.

Weirdly, my oddball "burkina" habs are just stoopidly hot..IDK why.
They hurt ppl... :twisted:
Tigahb8 said:
I vote for the Trinidad Scorpion, then 7 Pot, then the Bhut family,
all from first hand experience!


Butch, you're a man of few posts - so when you talk, people listen! Kinda like EF Hutton if anybody remembers that commercial. :) Scorpion is on my grow list for next year.