• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

SoCalChilehead 2012/2013 grow log

This will be my first grow list/grow log, so hopefully everybody enjoys. This November will be my first complete year of growing experience and it was entertaining and stressing at the same time. This season hopefully I can implement everything I have learned through various threads and have a great 2012 season
. I will start everything from seeds and maybe keep three plants from my existing season. Well now to my list:
Red Trinidad Scorpion 1
Trinidad Scorpion Green 3
Trinidad Scorpion yellow 1
Douglah x Trinidad Scorpion (2 or 4 hopefully)
Trinidad Scorpion Butch T 2
7 pot Chaguanas 2
7 pot Brainstrain red 1
7 pot Brainstrain yellow 1
7 pot Jonah 1
7 pot yellow 1
7 pot Burgundy 1
7 pot Brown 1
Chocolate Bhut Jolokia 1
Bhut Jolokia Peach 2
Bhut Jolokia Red 1
Bhut Jolokia yellow 1
Black Naga 1
Fatalii yellow 2
Peach Scorpanero 1
Large White Habanero 1
Congo Habanero 1
Sweet Habanero 1
Habanero Red Savina 1
Thai Dragon 1
Assam 1
Wasp 1
Large Hot Cherry 1
Giant Jalapeno 1
Wild Brazil 1
Holy Mole 1
Cayenne Thick 1
Broome Chile 1
Tobango Scotch Bonnet 1
Naga Morich 1
Zavory Nabanero 1
Aji Joe Mystery Hot Mix from Indian (1), Baccatum (1), Hot (1)

Thanks again to all the members for their help on the vast of information found on the THP forum and ability to build my grow list.
Thats a good looking list!!
Hope you have lots of room to grow them all....dont end up with the same problem i always have...to many plants not enough room.

Then again I dont think there is such a thing as to many plants :hell: :onfire:
wow that list is impressive

what are your lighting and plantout details?

we all love pictures :crazy:

p.s. if you "have too many" you need to expand your gifting and or guerrilla planting

everyone loves to try to grow "gift" plants

good growing
When will you be able to plant them outside. I was raised in whittier, but I never grew anything.
Here I usually plant out first week of May.
Nice lookin list ya got there dude!
You live in a great area to grow that's for sure.
Looking forward to following your progress

Just because they're only sprouting doesn't mean we don't like to see pictures of em :D
We have a good size yard not including the length 8' width 9' height 6' homemade greenhouse that will hold everything below the congo habanero and everything else will be located either on the side of the drive way or with the rose garden, so it will help isloate the plants. The pictures will have to wait until November 3 when I get my new camera because I wanted to make sure the other one was lost before I bought a new one. The lighting is just simple CFL bulbs and I will keep them indoors until the end of december or 1 week of January or the middle of January is what I am hoping and just get them adjusted to the sun another 2 weeks, so by February they should be adjusted to the sun and in 10 and 5 gallon containers. The soil mix is just promix and fox farm, but with the size of plants this year I might have to look into the soil thread and figure out which one would be best for me and my plants. The green scorpion and douglah have all sprouted this morning so I was excited waking up to that. The 7 pot Chaguanas are the one I am really interested in trying out. The plant giving out thing I tried out this year with a few extra plants to my family and neighbors, but most were unsuccessful in growing out the plants or just let them die out which was disappointment.
Pictures will come on November 3 hopefully if the camera shows up on time
Thank you again for following or even taking a peek at my list
Well I finally got my camera delivered today I was suppose to get it yesterday with the memory card and camera case, but UPS placed the camera in the wrong truck so they told I had to wait until today. Everything looking good except for the rain or I would of taken pictres of the plants outside, so that will have to wait until tomorrow. Everything has germinated except for the rocotto, 7 pot/pod yellow, 7 pot/pod brainstrain, and cayenne thick. After reading a few things and hearing reviews of the chocolate fatalii I will replace it with the Peach scorpanero. I will continue to grow out the chocolate fatalii, but before needing to repot it into a 1 gallon I try to find someone that may want it within the area or a member here that want to adopt this plant that is near LA county area. Well that is all for now I will try to keep this updated every 2 weeks for progress. Hope you all enjoy :dance:
Update pics I added the number of plants for each variety for this season and the rocoto was replaced by four peach scorpanero. Maybe next year or later in after these guys go outside I put them back on the list.









Finally sorry for the delay update, but I was finally able to get my camera back and alot issues came up where a few of my family members took plants without my knowledge so a few I had to restart like the large white hab, broome chile, Chocolate Bhut, Fatalii, Bhut yellow, Trinidad Scorpion x Douglah (3), and one Butch T.
I will update my list up on top later.
The one gallon: Peach Bhut, Trinidad Scorpion Green (3), Thai Dragon, Bhut red, Trinidad Scorpion red, Cayenne Thick, Congo, Black Naga, 7 pod/pot Chaguanas (2), Red savina, Butch T, 7 pod BrainStrain red, 7 pod yellow, Holy mole (flower transition), wild brazil, 7 pod Jonah.
Party cups and Biodegradable: Peach Scorpanero, Bhut Yellow, Giant w/hab, TS Butch T, 7 pod Brain Strain yellow, 7 pod Brown (2), 7 pod Burgundy (2), Fatalii (2), Broome Chile, Chocolate Bhut, Trinidad Scorpion yellow, Tobango Scotch Bonnet.
Germination: TS x Douglah (2 or 4), Naga Morich, Bih jolokia red, Jalabanero, Peach Bhut, Large Hot Cherry, and Sweet Hab






Yea I am excited. This year looks better than last year start and it is all thanks to the everyone old growlogs that contributed to the way I changed everything from last year which was way off. Some are even starting to produce flowers which I have been picking off.
WOW. That's an update right there! they went from seedlings to really healthy looking juvenille plants! Perfect starts you have there. Looking forward to watching the rest of your grow

Btw, that sucks.. If a family member took one of my starts without my knowledge I'd probably egg and TP their house.. after I lit there car on fire. Just kidding.. sorta. I mean common... atleast ask right?

Yea I didn't know if they were seedlings I wouldn't have mind but they were in one gallon container, but what got me upset that they took my only 2 TS x Douglah Brown so now I have to restart and delay me on that which is the one I really wanted to try. In the end not worth arguing about and just be happy I had extra seeds to regrow. Hopefully you all enjoy the process and the end result, which I am already craving when I see pod pictures of these pods from past growlogs.