• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

SoCalChilehead 2012/2013 grow log

This will be my first grow list/grow log, so hopefully everybody enjoys. This November will be my first complete year of growing experience and it was entertaining and stressing at the same time. This season hopefully I can implement everything I have learned through various threads and have a great 2012 season
. I will start everything from seeds and maybe keep three plants from my existing season. Well now to my list:
Red Trinidad Scorpion 1
Trinidad Scorpion Green 3
Trinidad Scorpion yellow 1
Douglah x Trinidad Scorpion (2 or 4 hopefully)
Trinidad Scorpion Butch T 2
7 pot Chaguanas 2
7 pot Brainstrain red 1
7 pot Brainstrain yellow 1
7 pot Jonah 1
7 pot yellow 1
7 pot Burgundy 1
7 pot Brown 1
Chocolate Bhut Jolokia 1
Bhut Jolokia Peach 2
Bhut Jolokia Red 1
Bhut Jolokia yellow 1
Black Naga 1
Fatalii yellow 2
Peach Scorpanero 1
Large White Habanero 1
Congo Habanero 1
Sweet Habanero 1
Habanero Red Savina 1
Thai Dragon 1
Assam 1
Wasp 1
Large Hot Cherry 1
Giant Jalapeno 1
Wild Brazil 1
Holy Mole 1
Cayenne Thick 1
Broome Chile 1
Tobango Scotch Bonnet 1
Naga Morich 1
Zavory Nabanero 1
Aji Joe Mystery Hot Mix from Indian (1), Baccatum (1), Hot (1)

Thanks again to all the members for their help on the vast of information found on the THP forum and ability to build my grow list.
That is awesome greenhouse it protected you from the heavy rainfall we got this week I have the frame done just need the wood bracing and door then the final stage of the screen and plastic sheet it is a 6' x 8' enough for a few plants if I find time tomorrow I try to take a picture of it current status.

I passed on a greenhouse off craigslist Sunday for $100...kicking myself now. It was this EXACT one...


It required disassembly on site...and I just didn't have the time. I will be kicking myself for a year on that one. Post some pics of yours for sure! I am going to have a greenhouse next winter for sure! I want something with an automatic vent of some sort so I don't have to worry about forgetting to open it on days like today where its supposed to be 80 degrees out. It gets up over 110 degrees in there when its 80 out.
They had the same one here, for a hundred as well, but I might use it 6 days a year so I passed.

its 80 here today...so I feel ya. I still have stuff overwintering outside, but it gets a little chilly at night in Cali. So with the addition of a greenhouse big enough I could easily produce all year. Plus if I kept the house 85 degrees and humid I wouldn't stay married too long. So I could start the seedlings in it as well. I spend a ton of time in Ft Lauderdale, West Palm and up in Panama City so I am familiar with your weather too.
Yea that why I wanted to build a greenhouse here are the pictures I put side and front view all that is missing is the door and wood bracing and after that just minor stuff here and there. I have between one and two feet of space between the back wall and the frame, so a rain water collection tank will go back there for that. It a 6' x 8' and plus we are going to get another Greenhouse from harbor freight the 6' x 8' for non chili plants as it was part of the agreement with my folks to barrow the space. That one will contain carrots, Pac Choy, lettuce, cabbage, tomatoes (purple tomatillo, white, cherry, Brandywine), Sweet onion, garlic, and a sugar baby watermelon.

Sorry for the late reply I was actually looking at different prices for plexicarbonate but that would definitely add up, so what I decided to do is build two window frames on the each side and use window screen to allow air and keep unwanted pest out. I was thinking of using aluminum screen for the exterior sides to protect from rodents and stray cats that been hanging around and the interior sides use 6 mm UV protected plastic. I might consider using plexicarbonate for the roof still haven't decided, but if can find afforable rate for me would definitely use that. I do not want to use Plexiglass as it would get discolored by the sun and become brittle.The other issue is that they don't last that long in direct sunlight especially during our summer weather and I would hate having to replace it every time in a matter of a couple months. I was looking towards also using solexx or just using the aluminum screen and 6 mm plastic for the roof as that would be easier to remove and much more afforable for me.
Thanks again for reading hope everyone is having a great start up and harvesting season
Pic update soon
Update pics:
Thai Dragon








Pepper picture Holy Mole pod

I have been delaying their movement because for some reason my school refund has been delayed, but everything from materials and liquid have been planed out so when ever it does show I will have an update of their bedding material. Every single one of the plants is load with flowers except for the peach bhut and TS green. I have been letting the flowers fall off so it could concentrate on growth so once they do move outside they can explode with flowers and peppers. Since moving the light 1 1/2 feet above the plants they have started reaching for the light and I love the length they are getting with the stems thickening up. The Black Naga (Aji Joe) has thrown out a side shoot at the base of the stem which got me excited. Well that it for now will uploading the last pic again since it stated I went overboard with pictures.
O i forgot to mention on the tray with dirt on the heatmat is two Douglah that just sprouted yesterday in a week.
Thanks everyone and hope you all enjoy
Well today I decided to transplant the Wild Brazil from 1 gallon into a 5 gallon growbag and move it outside. All i used for this guy was leftover soil (promix-bx, cow manure), wormcastings, mexican bat & seabird guano, some leftover brand new pro-mix bx that I had laying around, and finally OregonismXL



Then I also had to transplant a Butch T and Giant White Hab into one gallon growbags
Butch T

Giant White Hab
I been forgetting to add someone here he is the giant jalapeno in a 5 gallon starting to bud up he been outside since the start of january and was hit hard a few times with rain and snails but has recovered great.

This my first time growing them I got it from Aji Joe as freebie, but I heard it was great with flavor it already started to bud that why I move it outside into a growbag since I waiting for my refund to come and I just decided that he can get a growbag and move into a 10 gallon root pouch later when I order them.
Thanks Shane willyou be moving yours into the ground or a container and what size.
Your plants are awesome, Fernando!
That's a pretty intense feeding routine, bro, no
wonder they look like they could eat LA :lol:
Looking forward to the next update. I can
hardly wait to see your greenhouse when it's finished.
Thanks Paul I am hoping they could get tall and thick stalk like some of the members have their plants. That why I am more focus on the stalk instead of letting them fruit. Hopefully this week the school will send that refund because I think my plants are starting to get frustrated being in the one gallon bags, so the plan is to finish everything on the greenhouse by next weeks and transplant the following week. Hopefully everything goes as plan but nothing ever does.
Thanks again
Well really no pictures of my plants as they look the same as I am keeping them at their veg state for the meantime. But I wanted to show my the tea I make not the same as most people but has made a huge difference on my plants. I first learned it from Beaglestorm growlog 2011 and the results he had when he first feed them with just a simple vermicompost tea was amazing. Here are some pics from the start to finish I will post the final product after I comeback:
The ingredients have worked for me, but like everyone has said what works for one person may not work for another.
Veg tea: Fresh wormcastings, Bat guano Mexican and Seabird, Molasses, Trinity (bio catalyst), NH Fish/seaweed, Root organics Ancient Amber, and when everything is done Mycorrhiza
2 gallons then dilute 1 to 1

15 hours

24 hours

final product

I will dilute it and feed these kids
Hope you all enjoy and have a nice day
Hey, Fernando. Could you elaborate on your process a little? I've never made a 'tea', like that, but I have lots of worm compost. What's in the bag in the first pic? Where do the bubbles come from? I'm sure i'll think of more questions, sorry : )
It looks like it takes 24 hours?
I think the solids go in the bag...ie the castings and guano etc. Most folks use an aquarium airstone and air pump to make the bubbles. Throw it all together and it stews and builds a culture of beneficial microorganisms, plus light fert. I've read a couple posts on this and it sounds interesting, but I've never tried it. Right up your alley though Paul. What's your exact procedure Socal? I got some worms chowing down on some yard waste as we speak or ummm type.
I think the solids go in the bag...ie the castings and guano etc. Most folks use an aquarium airstone and air pump to make the bubbles. Throw it all together and it stews and builds a culture of beneficial microorganisms, plus light fert. I've read a couple posts on this and it sounds interesting, but I've never tried it. Right up your alley though Paul. What's your exact procedure Socal? I got some worms chowing down on some yard waste as we speak or ummm type.

That makes sense, Shane. I'd really like to try this. So, sounds like I could use my compost, some fish fert, maybe a little molasses, and some kelp extract or something similar? I guess the solids could then go into the compost bin? I think I heard your worms chomping earlier this evening : )
Hello guys sorry about the delay been busy studying for 3 exams I have Monday, but I apologize for not elaborating. This is from start to finish I use tap water and decholorize it with an air pump for about day some recommend 2 hours safe then pissed off. You can use it at either 24 or 36 hours I like more at 36 because all the microbes within the water increase as you can see how much a difference of 12 hours makes I wish I knew more to better answer but this my first year learning it and got intrigued from the results Beaglestorm saw I knew I needed to add it to my regiment this year. Like Shane said I add 1/2 cup of worm casting since it is only 2 gallons never could go wrong with more, then I add 2/8 batguano and seabird (strong stuff if not careful) all together in the bag hanging over the air stones and some people let it sit on the floor of the bucket. Then I add 1 tblsp per 2 gallons of water to feed the microbes. Then I add the Root organics Trinity(similar products Bushdoctor, Liquid Karma) a bio catalyst that helps wake up the roots to take up the nutrients. Then a cap full of Neptunes Harvest Fish/Seaweed emulsion and Ancient Amber or Humus this breakdown the food further for the microbes so that it is easier for them eat and multiply. Then I just let it sit bubbling for 36 hours once the process ends I add my mycorrhizae if you add this through the process the microbes could die off from what I was told for the brewing process. "Because they work in a symbiotic relationship with plant roots...no root contact = unhappy fungi. So if you're going to add them to your compost tea, do it immediately after brewing and right before applying your tea to the plant roots (ideal), or as a soil drench (not ideal)." http://www.compostjunkie.com/adding-mycorrhiza-fungi-to-compost-tea.html Then that start at their breakfast I only feed my plants early in the morning 10 mins before sun up or lights turn on. Once plants go outside I will use it as a foliar feed as well.
I have seen a few people dump their solid from the worm bin into their compost team just because they didn't want to separate everything and make a whole ordeal about the process and still works fine. I hope this helps the plants look great dark healthy green with a little edma that why cut down their watering and added another fan at the other of my pvc structure.
Hope this helps everyone and more questions please just ask and I will try to get to them as soon as possible.
Well I just saw today the cayenne thick has started to produce pods after a while of flowers just dropping, but I found one that seemed to be hiding out.

The Holy Mole still has his three pods growing looking great can not wait to try.


Tomorrow is a big day UPS drop off 30 5 and 10 gallon root pouch and my local hydro is having a 50% blowout on bunch of products, so I will be stocking up for the year. The plants are looking good the same as before except that it is producing more flowers that I keep plucking off. Greg thanks for your advice I will begin trimming the next two weeks to prepare them for outside.
Thank again everyone for taking a peek any questions or advice please share.
The plants look great, Fernando - the pods especially. Fantastic green color -
Thanks for including your tea recipe; that will give me a place to start!
Probably won't try it just yet, but later this spring...