show-off Some AUS pics

Orange hab on its second round of peppers. This time they seem to be a lot longer than the first lot of peppers.


My bih Jolokia seems to have either fat stubby peppers or long thin ones. The thick stubby ones are full of seeds and the thin long ones have only 6-10 seeds in each pod




The jolokia has got more flowers coming out so it looks like I'll have a while before they stop.
The hab is 3-4 meters from the jolokia.

All of the three botoom pic's are from the one Bih plant.

The jolokia is in a tub that also has a w.p hab in it.
Not sure what the Bih's taste like..... There so @##@ing hot you don't even get a second before the burns kicked in. Ver very very hot.
Where did you get the seeds from......

The pods can grow different on the same plant.....It all depends on the amount of light that pod gets and other factors as well...

I have a naga morich (seeds from a very good seller) and some of the pods are long and thick and stop at a point. Others on the same tree are small and rounded at the end. I'm confident that the seeds are pure as the seller has a 100% positive reputation...
Yeah its interesting to see how different each pod can be.

The jolokia came from THSC as a seedling and the orange hab was from bunno's.

I started my plants out in full sun and they didn't do well except for the orange hab. After talking with Niel I moved them under some shade and all of the plants have gone nuts since. I wonder if this is why the pods on my orange hab have a totally different shape to the first batch? Every pepper on the hab is really long but still pretty fat.
lol - that looks exactly that - a BHUT/BIH X HAB - It will be very unstable producing many different shapes similar to both bhut/bih characteristics and hab for a few gen. Breed it out or isolate it for 10++ generations you may end up with a pepper you can call your own ! - SUper hot too so it would sell ! selective breeding though - you would have a task on your hands but do able ! lol

I recieve many many KG a week of BHUT and none have ever looked like that !
So do I have a new plant? Bihabuta? lol (Copyright on that name :) lol )

So say I kept all the seeds from the fat ones seperate from the long ones. Would those seeds produce plants with a similar pod? Fat pods seed= next gen fat pods only?
No, but if you select only fat ones for 10 Genarations you should see the plant sabilise its genes, and MAYBEY after much selective seed process and years of isolation (absloute ) then MAYBEY you could produce a stable gene of your own.
Would be cool to have your own chilli !
I may be wrong here so correct me if I am, but I thought that if the original seed/plant was true then the pods from your plant would be true but the seeds inside the pod would be a cross if it had indeed cross pollinated?
Hope this makes sense!!!