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Some people just have no respect!

This afternoon, me and my wife go to get in the car to go out to our favorite Thai place for lunch, and my wife asks where is she supposed to sit if her seat is full of crap. I ask her what is she talking about and go look. Someone broke into my car overnight and took everything out of my glovebox and console and threw it in the passanger seat. To top it all off, they stole my GPS. That just pisses me off. I can't stand a thief. I work my butt off for what little bit I have just to have someone come by and steal it while I sleep. Thank god the wife talked me into getting an alarm system for the house a few months back or who knows what might have happened. Oh well, just needed to vent.

Hope everyone else is having a good holiday season.
This happens to us every once and a while. Get a motion light but take out the sockets. Run the wire into your bedroom and put a porcelin fixture in and a bulb. If it happens again. You'll know they're there but they won't know you know. Grab your weapon and charge.:lol: I find they are looking for pills sometime too. Get some arsenic in pill form and leave them in a oxycotton prescrption bottle.:lol:
chillilover said:
This happens to us every once and a while. Get a motion light but take out the sockets. Run the wire into your bedroom and put a porcelin fixture on a bulb. If it happens again. You'll know they're there but they won't know you know. Grab your weapon and charge.:lol:

Now there's an idea!!!:lol:
I used to live on the TExas AVe in Mass were car breakins were the highest and they would break into almost evry car on the street evry night practically no one evr wanted to come over any more:)
Thieves SUX!
Noshownate said:
I used to live on the TExas AVe in Mass were car breakins were the highest and they would break into almost evry car on the street evry night

As bad as that sounds.....

...it'd be kinda fun to sit quietly in the bushes at night with a 12-pack and a pellet gun.......and wait.
That does suck about your car.

I doubt I could top the suggestion that chililover made however, I would caution you about doing anything that might make you criminally or civilly liable. :lol: Even though I believe that all thieves should be caught and strung up and publicly burned at the steak.
I live in a pretty good neighborhood with even nicer subdivisions surrounding me. According to the cops, there were 4 other cars broken into the same night in my area. More then likely it was some punk kids. I doubt they will come back. Of course, if they do, they already got the only thing of value that was in my car.

I agree that all theives should be strung up and tar and feathered with a sign saying "I am a thief, please throw a rock at me" in the town square.

I know I would enjoy it!!!:lol: Can't see how the dirty thief could sue over that, but you never know in this country anymore.

paulky_2000 said:
Yeah.....but popping someone in the ass with a pellet....how satisfying would THAT be?:lol:

If you really want to scare the sh*t out of them...load a few shotgun shells with rock salt. Then you get the boom and the sting. The punks would think you are shooting live ammo at them and would be peppered with salt. :lol:

*disclaimer: I am in no means advocating this practice and only mentioned it in humor. Although, I know it would work, I by no means am suggesting anyone actually try this, as I am sure there are some sever legal ramifications to this practice. :lol:
I'm sorry to hear about some POS thief breaking into your car. I guess your best option would be to buy a video security system & place the camera onto the vehicle or place the vehicle in the garage. I heard the systems are pretty cheap nowadays.
Well, putting the car in the garage is out of the question. My wife puts her car in there and the other half is for my tools, my grow rack, lawnmower, etc. This is more of a vent than anything else. I don't expect it to happen again. I have lived here for years and this is the first instance of a break in. Now, if it happens again anywhere in the neighborhood, then it will be time to reevaluate my security.

One good thing is coming out of this though. My wife is freaked out, so she is now going to let me put the fence around the back yard. This will allow me to move the bulk of my plants from the inlaws house to here. Last year, all but a few plants were there as they have much more room, and I am in a subdivision with restrictions on what can be seen from the road.

Ah, who am I kidding, it just means more plants. Here and at the inlaws.:lol:

jjs7741 said:
Well, putting the car in the garage is out of the question. My wife puts her car in there and the other half is for my tools, my grow rack, lawnmower, etc. This is more of a vent than anything else. I don't expect it to happen again. I have lived here for years and this is the first instance of a break in. Now, if it happens again anywhere in the neighborhood, then it will be time to reevaluate my security.

One good thing is coming out of this though. My wife is freaked out, so she is now going to let me put the fence around the back yard. This will allow me to move the bulk of my plants from the inlaws house to here. Last year, all but a few plants were there as they have much more room, and I am in a subdivision with restrictions on what can be seen from the road.

Ah, who am I kidding, it just means more plants. Here and at the inlaws.:lol:


Do the bulb thing. Just make sure its on a not very sensitive setting or you'll get waken up by wind and animals.:)
jjs7741 said:
One good thing is coming out of this though. My wife is freaked out, so she is now going to let me put the fence around the back yard. This will allow me to move the bulk of my plants from the inlaws house to here. Last year, all but a few plants were there as they have much more room, and I am in a subdivision with restrictions on what can be seen from the road.

Ah, who am I kidding, it just means more plants. Here and at the inlaws.:lol:


well I guess something good is coming out of this :lol:
Fishing line across two points. Fishing hooks in a dropper set-up all 'drying' off that line. Head or chest height it's up to you. Either way, private property and just drying out your hooks so they don't rust after washing them.

Also makes a set winner for Americas funniest home videos.
chilehunter had a good idea with the motion lights, but I wouldn't want to have them coming on all the time in my room. Get a large nasty mean pitbull from the pound/ghetto/dogfight rescue, a dog that scares the shit outta you. Keep it in the house during the day when you are at work, in the front yard on a loooong chain when you get home, and put it in the car at night. Usually these dogs are free. Should be good for a while anyway.