Some photos - Megamastger71

trinidad scorpion yellow


haba pink


devil's tongue white


sry lanka

Probably the finest pepper garden on the planet! Is the Brown 7 Pod above from Sara in Trinidad? I have pods from her that look exactly the same as yours. The pink habs have a lovely color and white Devil Tongue, both new to me. That Fatalii should win an award for something! Great gardening megamaster71, thanks for sharing.:)

Never heard of a Chocolate Scorpion before either, just beautiful!
more fantastic pics, does the Scorpion Chocolate have the same taste as the normal Scorpion, the Hybrids are also some nice crosses, great work Marco
absolutely fantastic looking plants/pods Marco...well done my friend...
Sorry I just can't get enough of the latest round of pics. The pink hab is beautiful along with everything else. Thanks for sharing the pics with us. Dang.