Some photos - Megamastger71

My bonsai of chinense

I dont think wow can really sum it up. Absolutely amazing pictures. Peppers, Scenery, everything. I hope to achieve something like that one day. I tried to send you a pm mega, but was told you cannot receive pm's for some reason. Is there an email, or another way to contact you? I have some questions for you if you have a few moments. If you can, just pm me with any contact info that may help.

Thanks for sharing all of your wonderfull pictures with us.
What exactly do you do with all of the peppers? I assume you have a healthy diet consisting of burns of a multitude of degrees. Id be interested in seeing a few pictures of the peppers put to action in the kitchen or on the plate. I try to come up with all my own crazy dishes. Most are a pretty good hit. I have to make my own seperately though. Not sure if I have a tolerance, or if Im just a little crazier than all the others. Who knows. I love it hot, and its healthy for ya too. Cant get much better than that!!
Hi Grant. ... I am very happy to read you ... how are you?

I stayed a little behind with the growing ... because of a move ... are now new home .... and the plants are recovering well

Summer is still a long