Some photos - Megamastger71

Great looking photos as always. Very nice 7 pods. Do you happen to have any seed for the piments elisa? Very interesting looking. Hows it taste? If you have some seed available, would you be interested in some trading?

I'm sorry :( ... This is a project study for members AISPES
7 pod :mouthonfire:

hey mega, do you have any ripe pics of that white 7 pot hybrid from JR? I'm curious as to how the f2 is turning out.

The hybrid comes from my plant ... unfortunately died and I could not isolate the flowers

I sent the seeds and JR came out a beautiful plant in the F2 ... my bode well .... but has not yet ripe
Great pics of the moth/butterfly Marco, got to love seeing nature do it's thing.

Love the looks of the Pimenta Elisa Tiger AISPES, you try one yet?

Thanks for the continuation of a beautiful thread.
It looks like the oil inside of the pepper is oozing out of the center crevice. That photo needs to be the very first one entered into a pepper Hall of Fame photo gallery.

Outstanding photo Marco!
WOW WOW WOW MegaMaster. AISPES grew those? Well, that clears up the fact what I grew as suspected was not Buforum (i.e., CGN 24332). Not even close! '

I just looked up the person with the copyright. A scientist from Embrapa in Brazil. :) Makes sense. Very beautiful flower pictures. It would be so intriguing to see more of what they have in inventory if even for knowledge reasons.
