Some photos - Megamastger71

Those yellow flowers on the wilds look beautiful. I keep checking my Rhomb. every few days hoping to see a flower, but none yet. I will definately be keeping it over the winter for next year.


In Sicily, the winter is coming ..... the tips are drying up ...
This photo was taken this morning


hope to see some fruit

I will also try to take it away .... free for him to spend the winter
is a variant of scorpion morouga .... fruits do not have the tip (if not rarely) ... so probably will drop (unless we want to stabilize this particular mushroom shape :lol: )

is a super-hot
is a variant of scorpion morouga .... fruits do not have the tip (if not rarely) ... so probably will drop (unless we want to stabilize this particular mushroom shape :lol: )

is a super-hot

I can understand not wanting to stabilize this shape. The word "mushroom" just doesn't make a person think of a superhot pepper. I do like the looks of it though.
I also like the look of that one. Still very bumpy and looks very hot even without the tail. Might be worth stabalizing as well.

Hey mega that hybrid on the first page that ripens red, I have the same one. It was sold to me as a bhut jolokia. I am still waiting for them to ripen. What were they like? Taste heat etc. Would appreciate it a lot. Nice photos as well. Thanks.
Sorry my friend ... but at what hybrid you mean? copy the photo :cool:

This one mega -

It looks a lot like my one -

My hybrid

My photo's aren't as good as yours, I need a better camera and I would consider night photos after seeing yours
but it looks similar, less pronounced ridges but looks similar how the pods grow in tight groups.

Edit to take my crappy pic off megas thread and change to a link
beautiful plant and fruit .... very good, one of the best I've tasted
the hotness is in the middle of a type chinense habanero ....
in my case it is a hybrid of the West Indies pimenta

more photos


Every time I've seen a thing like that on top of a bottle in my parents home they were not fermenting peppers. ;) Marco I assume this is your way of fermenting peppers? I can't tell you how many times I've heard those things bubble. That's a sound that reminds me of home. Cool.