Some photos - Megamastger71

Pimenta tiger AISPES F2


Nice, and crossing my fingers in the hopes that it becomes available to the rest of us!!!

We can hope right?

Thanks for the update.
Hey Megamastger.

I was wondering something about the Pimenta Tiger AISPES and you are the man to enlighten me.

Does the plant have some sort of variegation or is it something only the pods have?

The picture you posted is of an immature pod right? The mature pods remain variegated?


Here is some of what I have grown too. Nice crop by the way!!!
My 7 Pot's.

Chinese 5 Colors and Tabasco's.

The whole crop.

Some Jalapeno's and Orange Habs still in the front of house.

White Hab's

Thai Dragon peppers

Sorry for the fuzzyness of the photos. I am using my Iphone for pictures. Getting a better cam soon.
Hey Megamastger.

I was wondering something about the Pimenta Tiger AISPES and you are the man to enlighten me.

Does the plant have some sort of variegation or is it something only the pods have?

The picture you posted is of an immature pod right? The mature pods remain variegated?



the streaks are only present in fruits

the leaves are dark/green - black and also the stem


the fruit is purple to be immature ... then switches to yellow / green and finally red


F2 is now on the yellow

Thank you very much for your answer Megamastger.

Your explanation, with the pictures and everything, was very clear.

Megamaster71, I didn't know that White Bhut was out there. It's beautiful. Is it a super hot? I would love to see an interior shot. How is the flavor?

I just jumped over to the other forum and saw Stefania posted pictures. It looks like there is a lot of placenta in the walls. It is a remarkable cross.

Thats some healthy pepper plants you got there.
That Pimenta Tiger AISPES is beautiful.
Hows the heat on that one? u say its father was a bhut huh?
Thats a great job on those pepper bonsai.
What do you use as your medium and what size pot is that?
Sorry I still have alot to learn hence alot of questions. lol